Set the headlines of your day, but leave room in your daily schedule for spontaneity without taking hideous risks. The temporary loss or lack of situational awareness is a casual factor in many accidents. The second level of awareness, relaxed awareness, is like defensive driving. Look over your shoulder to make sure you are not getting in the way of vehicles in the lane you want to enter. It has to be a conscious effort for everyone to have a 360-degree view of situations and show others the importance of doing so. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. This doesnt mean you should be paranoid or stop enjoying your time out in public or at work, its simply about practicing and mastering situational awareness a skill that could save your life or someone elses. This means avoiding the distractions mentioned earlier. Where could I escape? Premeditating such responses can help them to become second-nature in the event of an actual emergency, making your response more effective. Regardless of the time of year, making a commitment to ones personal safety is always an excellent idea. Not playing on your phone might improve your chances of thwarting an attack. Don't presume changes in your surroundings are innocent or fine. OFFICE 4114 E BROADWAY AVE | SPOKANE, WA 99202, 1145 BROADWAY PLAZA, STE 1340 | TACOMA, WA 98402. If you carry a purse, carry it securely between your arm and your body. What if this was happening to the person in the car next to you? Having situational awareness can keep you and your coworkers safe. Be aware of your surroundings. Should you have questions about how this pertains to your job talk to your supervisor or foreman. Maybe he isnt so innocent. Following these quick tips can improve your awareness. Watching your surrounding can reduce the risk of vehicle collisions, dropping objects, injuries from falling objects and many other accidents. endstream endobj 50 0 obj <> endobj 51 0 obj <> endobj 52 0 obj <>stream Situational awareness is often discussed, but it's acknowledged how so few people know what it truly represents and why it's tremendously important. To avoid tailgating, use the three-second rule: when the vehicle ahead of you passes a certain point such as a sign, count one-thousand-one, one-thousand-two, one-thousand-three. Counting these numbers takes approximately three seconds. Keep your car doors locked and windows closed while in or out of your car . No more shuffling through papers or tracking down a handbook thats often locked away in a filing cabinet. That perpetual image could include thinking to push your shopping cart into an attacker or using your stiletto heel to fend off an attack. -Be aware of your surroundings -Keep your cell-phone charged and with you at all times -Use good judgment on social media before publicly sharing information or a location. At least half of the crimes in the Unites States go unreported, either because people don't think the police can do anything about it, or because people don't want to get involved. This gives you space between your vehicle and the other driver, without having to slam on your brakes or swerve into another lane. Stay safe this spring break by following safety tips from the Institutional Access and Compliance Office. Both Gay and Klinger noted that "stop, drop and roll" is a classic life skill students learn as part of safety lessons in school. Here are some ways you can increase your awareness and have a higher level of security while shopping or dining out. Be alert to your surroundings and the people around youespecially if you are alone or it is dark. All these activities might help prevent an attack. Schools and businesses MUST be prepared for an act of terrorism and they MUST act quickly when faced with it. Public officials have records of where you live for tax and property ownership purposes. Question everything! Facebook can wait. It can happen with any repetitive task. Dont use put earbuds or headphones in your ears while youre outside is also a way to quickly increase your awareness from your senses. For our purposes we'll focus on situational awareness for self-defense purposes as it is a very important self-defense skill. First, notice your surroundings. Don't allow loud distractions to stop you from keeping your eyes on your surroundings, rather than one direction. We hope these tips can be of value to you as 2019 begins, and we wish you a happy (and safe!) If the answer is no, offer to help create one or start a campaign to get a safety response plan in place with the help of your local law enforcement as soon as possible. Only use devices in areas or situations where it's safe to do so and remember to look up regularly to scan surroundings. Jamey Noel. U.S. Pat. Your email address will not be published. Check the blind spots. Get taxis or arrange a lift. Do you think these people are likely to notice the pre-attack cues of a potentially dangerous situation? 5. Dont make yourself vulnerable. Instead of looking over your shoulder, place your back against a surface if possible to remove the possibility of someone getting behind you or in your blind spot. Since this is learned behavior, anyone can improve their situational awareness. A basic breathing practice that can be used throughout the day, especially during times of stress, is the Four Square Breathing Technique. Report all suspicious persons and activities to the proper authorities (office manager, building security, law enforcement). To provide you with the Top 5 Tips for Staying Safe, Guard911 consulted safety expert, Lt. Brian Murphy, a 23-year former Oak Creek, Wisconsin police officer who trains law enforcement officers on situational awareness techniques and strategies, as well as educating citizens on what it means to be aware of your surroundings.. An even better offensive precaution is to keep a perpetual mental image of every potential weapon and attack vector as you about your daily life. Welders should always be aware of their surroundings before starting a weld. Vq&e-t\U>?tql/;EhYt+h\geB7YZ U[>8%F](]d[mwil2 !b~J3u8.Y1C_O . Everywhere you go, people have their heads down while looking at their phones, which means they cant be looking up to notice whats going on around them. Make a phone call requesting help for them. It can make you more aware of your surroundings, it can give you a different perspective on things, and can also make you see risks. As you scan ahead, be alert for vehicles around you. The driver behind you wants to pass. Even keeping your sense of smell fully available can help in a dangerous, but not necessarily defensive, situation. You need to practice this level of awareness when you are driving on icy or slushy roads. If you work late, try to find another worker or a security guard to walk out with you. Staying safe goes hand-in-hand with being observant. Follow these parking lot safety tips whenever you find yourself in a parking lot on foot. On the freeway, be ready for changes in traffic conditions. Second, if anything does happen, you'll know where you can run for help. hWmo9+YHF]th%@ PV{0`pp8b(/HZQ`4p%&h^ `N'dHT^9-|Qug>>I)%A86pF~ yJME!7Rin>AxY1 Avoiding complacency can help increase your perception of your surrounding. Not looking down at your phone the entire time youre in public fits with point number one, but it warrants its own recognition. Be prepared for rapid changes in road conditions and traffic flow. You need to be aware of your surroundings, and you need to have an idea of how you will respond if you are faced with a threatening situation. A consistent and structured daily toolbox talk will save lives and reduce injuries. 4. In many cases, it is the information provided by victims and witnesses that leads to the arrest of a criminal. Whether you're at home or at work, following an emergency plan will help you keep the situation in control as much as possible. 5. Wonder what if? Toolbox Talk: 4 Keys to Effective Safety Communication, Toolbox Talk: Staying Safe While Performing Non-Routine Tasks, Toolbox Talk: Refocusing After a Vacation or the Holidays, University District Gateway Bridge Celebration, Garco Earns AISC Steel Erectors Certification. Are there other factors that can impact the situation? Assess the emergency and where you are. To ensure drivers are aware of their surroundings, they should be free from distractions, follow the speed limit, and keep their eyes on the road at all times. He started yelling at me louder. Notice other people their body language, eye contact, posture, stride. You probably think you already do this, but being intentional about locating exits and doors, paying attention to the people around you, and practicing simple habits like looking over your shoulder in a parking lot before you get into your car should be part of your daily routine. The most common thing that reduces aware is distraction. Keep doing this until you start doing it without meaning to. Tap your brakes lightly a few times to warn the tailgater you are slowing down. However, when was the last time there was a drill to ensure every person in the establishment knows what to do? Basic Safety Tips for Women: Speak Up. This means you must be proactive about being aware of your surroundings. Practice these 6 behaviors to develop a mindset of being aware. View each new setting as an opportunity to practice when these tips become second-nature, you greatly increase your ability to keep yourself safe. Situational awareness is only as good as your perception. This is one of the easiest ways to increase your awareness. Do you know how to learn or improve this skill? Personal Space: If someone is crowding you, seems suspicious, or is displaying threatening body language, scan them for subtle signs of violent intent or a hidden weapon. 2. These vehicles must stop at railroad crossings; so, slow down early and allow plenty of room. When walking, keep to commonly traveled routes. It is a skill that can save lives, maybe even your own. Know which lanes are clear so you can use them if necessary. Many of these situations can involve your health, your safety, and your job performance. new year! Slow down gradually or merge into another lane to prevent being hit from behind by the tailgater! Keep in mind, carrying a weapon still isnt a magic pill. When people are in an area where there is potential danger (which, in reality, is almost anywhere), they should go through most of the day in a state of relaxed awareness. It is easy to get wrapped up in the task at hand and lose track of your surroundings. Emergencies and mass shootings happen all the time. Do not be afraid to let your wishes be . Engage your workers with modern technology and content that they can easily consume. You probably already take precautions in your daily life. Never Carry Extra People. Being able to communicate with others your perception of the risks is a vital part of the awareness strategy. What if the driver of the car in front of you slams on his brakes? Watch for things about to happen, like a ball rolling into the street or a vehicle door opening. It is a smart way to cultivate safer practices in your everyday life. Electronic Distractions: Whether its staring down at your phone or listening to music, using electronic devices can seriously impair your ability to be aware of what is going on around you. Check your mirrors frequently and scan conditions 20 to 30 seconds ahead of you. Toolbox Talk Topic: Situational Awareness Situational awareness is being aware of your surroundings: where you are, where you are supposed to be and nearby threat to your health and safety. The last level of awareness, comatose, is what happens when you literally freeze at the wheel and cannot respond to stimuli, either because you have fallen asleep or, at the other end of the spectrum, because you are petrified. Studies have shown that a company's safety performance directly impacts productivity and financial results. How SchoolGuard Panic Button Helps Protect 6500 Students, Guard911 & Lt. Col. Grossman on Stopping Killers. A script is a memory that helps us get things done. Frequent practice is vital, as no two situations are the same, and every environment provides unique conditions that will challenge your adaptability. Thats the most important question in self defense, in my opinion. Ensure all . As you are taking your different route to work, ask yourself, what if that car pulls right out in front of you where will you go? Be aware of pedestrians in your surroundings. In other words, not falling into a routine. Body language plays an extremely important role in how you are perceived by others. Do not be afraid to yell for help if they don't stop. These people walk into telephone poles. Play the what if game. Report all unsafe conditions and near-miss incidents to your supervisor. (In other words, be just a little paranoid.) people pushing trays of items in a cafeteria), be alert when using stairs or ladders, while walking along corridors etc. In these active shooter situations, theres no room for complacency. Keep an eye out for a flat tire, smoke emerging from underneath the trailer. When traveling at night always book a taxi or get a lift with someone you trust. Situational awareness: Preparing your team for the unexpected. By remaining close to the people you trust and know well, you'll reduce the risk of being targeted by people who are up to no good and could be out to take advantage. Regularly exercising your senses can make them keener, which can help you avoid unsafe situations, determine threats faster, and pick up on critical information more quickly during emergencies. Situational awareness refers to being aware of what is happening around you, where you are in relation to other people and things, and what potential threats there may be. If youre using headphones, consider using only one, or keeping the volume as low as possible in order to still be able to hear what is going on around you. The trigger of this habit would be . Ensure warning signage is posted where . About We teach participants a saying, locks, lights, out of sight as a way for people to remember to lock the doors, turn off the lights, and hide if an active shooter were in their school, said Lt. Murphy. Can you see what others are seeing? Reduce energy consumption, increase worker productivity and safety with our loading docks and commercial doors. That might be difficult hearing all that while wearing headphones. Be alert of your surroundings at all time - Teens can be especially guilty of being oblivious to their surroundings. Make sure you understand all the policies and procedures before you start a new job. Cooper CS4 Touring Review Is It Worth Buying? Although a purse-snatcher's intent is to steal the purse, your personal safety may depend on not clinging to it. You cannot be aware of your surroundings on the warehouse floor if you're focused on your phone. No. Dont be predictable. It's being aware of what is going on around you in terms of where you are, where you should be, and what in your surroundings could potentially be a threat to your health or safety. Watch for signals from other drivers. A second important element of the proper mindset is understanding the need to take responsibility for ones own safety.