A former car dealership displays a graffiti representation of Bloody Sunday on its boarded facade. Texas prison . Almir Rrapo : Leader of the "Krasniqi Crew" based in New York and other US cities. Texas Syndicate Gang Members Busted - Again. Mexican Americans were also affected by mass incarceration, particularly in the U.S. Southwest. 01-07-00443-CR (Tex. But, soon after the murder of Joe Arredondo, Sandoval was charged with the crime and inmates who were allegedly present provided corroborating details. The Texas Syndicate's activities include drug trafficking, extortion, prostitution, protection, gambling, and contract murder. If an officer fails to cooperate, a gang has non-violent ways of retaliating []. Filed under: Gang Policies , Crime/Demographics , Criminal Prosecution . Eventually we found out that "Eulinda" had already transferred 150 million dollars to Kosovo for "humanitarian purposes", says Bruckert. South Texas Syndicate estimated lease property, in the most recent month of production (10-01-2022), produced 159 bbls of oil and 0 mcf of natural gas. While the lawyers made their arguments for and against Sandovals case, Sandoval expressed the states impetus to charge him which he argued was based on an entirely different motivation. Thus, in many areas of Italy, the market for cannabis, prostitution, and smuggling is run mainly by Albanians. The details of exactly who he saw murdered were not clear but according to homicide records, the victim was probably Cesario Gonzales who was killed on August 31, 1985. App., 2002), On June of 1997 Texas Syndicate and Barrio Azteca settle a truce and sign a peace agreement called the Manifesto. Away from his home and in a foreign environment, it was easy for him to fall in and develop relations with them. Krasniqi Brothers : Bruno Krasniqi and Saimir Krasniqi; leaders of an international crime organization engaged in murder, kidnapping, narcotics trafficking and other illegal activities in Albania and the U.S. Myfit (Mike) Dika : Former drug kingpin of the Balkan Criminal Enterprises; an international criminal organization which spanned from Canada , the United States , to Europe . They have been reported in the Federal Correctional Institute at Oakdale, Louisiana, and in San Quentin, California, with frequency. Bloody Sunday happened at the very beginning of 1972, which proved to be horrendous - the worst year of the Troubles, with almost 500 people killed. Five months earlier, in August 1971 and against a backdrop of escalating violence and increased bombings in Northern Ireland, a new law was introduced giving the authorities the power to imprison . Ortiz was the cellmate of John A. Hernandez, a high-ranking member of the Texas Syndicate. They have been reported in the Federal Correctional Institute at Oakdale, Louisiana, and in San Quentin, California, with frequency. Lulzim Krasniqi :(1863-2006) Former leader of the Albania Mafia based in Zagreb, Croatia. It has 14 wells on the property starting in 01-01-1993. Dossier K , a Belgian crime thriller, portrays the Albanian mafia in Belgium . Sandoval was hired as part of the new guard force that was coming in and was separate from the old guard who had largely stayed to themselves, was predominately white, and had strong rapport with the building tenders. Ellis I Unit prison guard Patrick Ware described a similar tactic used by inmates related to downing the duck. Ware and numerous other current and former guards testified that gang members commonly try to influence prison officers to smuggle drugs to them. Familiarity was both good and bad. A lawsuit against the Texas prison system and Sandoval was underway by Arredondos family. This moment was set during the height of prison gang violence that struck the TDCJ during the mid-1980s. These incidents were also discussed with the journalist Robert Draper. Albanian organized crime is active in Albania , the United States , and the European Union (EU) countries, participating in a diverse range of criminal enterprises including drug and arms trafficking . Texas Syndicate moved into Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ). This study provides exploration of the varying Mexican American experiences within prisons as victimized inmates, as stifled prison guards, and also as prison gangs or security threat groups who employed efforts to demonstrate their own autonomy, regardless of the problematic legal and ethical quandaries through prison gangs. This was especially insightful because it was written with the viewpoint of a prison guard. Hernandez, who was serving a life sentence plus eight years for Travis County convictions of attempted capital murder and illegal possession of a firearm, was the second-in-command of the Texas Syndicate prison gang. "The Albanian Mafia seems to have established good working relationships with the Italian Mafia". Loaded on March 15, 2003 by C.C. He was stabbed approximately twenty times in the B-Wing of the Ellis I Unit in Huntsville. Sandoval also highlighted the racial issues that Mexican American prison staff faced. The murder came as a result of the Gulf Cartel hiring the Texas Syndicate to kidnap Serrano from his home in Texas and take him to cartel members in Mexico. Analysis: Bloody Sunday was a massive driver of activism and fund-raising within the Irish-American community With the possible exception of April 10th 1998, and May 5th 1981, no date has. Bloody Sunday proved to be a turning point in the civil rights movement that led to the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This group has lacked examination within the frameworks of mass incarceration scholarship, even as these studies continue to exponentially grow. The larger pool of applicants paved the way for many new minority employees such as Mexican Americans to join the staff of the Texas prison system. The Sandoval and Arredondo incident illustrated the complexity that went into relations between Mexican American guards and inmates. The murder involved a cocaine deal gone badly. They have strong motivations and are very violent." Law enforcement authorities estimate that different Albanian mafia families may smuggle as much as 440 pounds of heroin a year into Scandinavia at any given time. According to Ioannis Michaletos, the family structure is characterized by a strong inner discipline, which is achieved by a means of punishment for every deviation from the internal rules, so that the fear should guarantee an unconditional loyalty to the family, with the provisions of the official laws considered to be secondary, not important and non-binding. Dubbed the king of the New York drug underworld, Ismail Lika issued a contract on Rudy Giuliani 's prosecutors in 1985. In 1993, the Barrio Azteca brutally beat and murder a Texas Syndicate member in the El Paso county jail causing the Texas Syndicate to alliance it's self with the Mexikanemi. Formed in the California prison system in the 1970s by incarcerated Tejanos, the Texas Syndicate sought protection against Californios. Speaking anonymously for Philadelphia's City Paper a member of the " Kielbasa Posse ", an ethnic Polish mob group, declared in 2002 that Poles are willing to do business with "just about anybody. NPS Photo The early spring of 1965 became the turning point in the tensely-waged struggle for voting rights throughout Alabama and the "deep South." Garcia was not a member of the Texas Syndicate. Accessed on December 12, 2018. https://statisticalatlas.com/place/Texas/Alice/Race-and-Ethnicity In popular culture In films An Albanian criminal organization in Paris is responsible for the kidnapping of Liam Neeson 's character's daughter in Taken . Coppola was also supervising the illegal number racket that was once controlled by Dutch Schultz before his murder. Believed by MI6 to be Albanian, Le Chiffre is banker to the world's terrorist organizations. Both the Texas Syndicate and Mexikanemi team up against the Barrio Azteca. (El Paso Times), On August 17, 1997, Texas Syndicate members murder Gerardo Garcia in the El Paso County Jail. Danielle S. Willkens "Once we identify a name and the story behind them, we can track. "On the 27th of July 1999 police in Durres (Albania), with Italian assistance arrested one of the godfathers of the "Sacra Corona Unita", Puglias Italian Mafia. When the task was not accepted or completed by a member, then they were green lit which meant they became a target within their own prison gang because they refused to follow orders (Riggs, 2011). History The 116th Street Mob In the early 1890s, a group of five brothers (Antonio, Nicholas, Giuseppe and half-brothers Vincenzo and Ciro Terranova) arrived in New York City from Corleone, Sicily. Daut Kadriovski : The reputed boss of one of the 15 Families, embodies the tenacity of the top Albanian drug traffickers. But Sandoval, Mexican American prison gangs, and the larger story of the Mexican American experience within the context of prisons illustrate themes of criminalization, hegemony, and self-determination, topics wholeheartedly important to Mexican American history. He convened a meeting at which members voted to have Arredondo killed, according to prosecutor Tuck Tucker (Fair, 1991). Ethnicity played various roles in prisons. Either he comes out an old man or he doesnt come out at all. Australia Godfather of an Albanian Mafia family 'Daut Kadriovski' gained attention of Australian Authorities after creating a drug pipeline through Albanian and Croatian communities in Sydney and Brisbane. He was also unfamiliar with the environment of a prison. At this point Sandoval, along with other guards, or staff members became the duck and were now leveraged against by the inmates as the victims or co-conspirators dug themselves deeper into the clutches of the inmates bidding as a representative of a prison gang. In Del Rio, a federal judge sentenced 29 Uvalde/Hondo-area Texas Syndicate (TS) members over the past two weeks to federal prison, including four defendants to life imprisonment, for various racketeering and drug trafficking offenses committed in Uvalde, San Antonio and the surrounding areas announced United States Attorney Richard L. Durbin, It was on this day and in the following . - Were still trying to learn about their culture and figure out what makes them tick, James Farley, FBI supervisory special agent, and expert on organized crime, says of the Albanians. Belgium The Albanian mafia has deep roots in Belgium, which was recently a topic of a special programme on Belgian RTBF Channel One. In On Bloody Sunday, a new collage of eye-witness accounts, Julieann Campbell, a niece of one of the victims, does a remarkable job of taking the reader vividly back to a past that still haunts. Sandoval was charged with the murder of Joe Arredondo through the special prison prosecution unit which was founded in 1984 to directly combat the escalation of prison gangs activity. March 7, 1965, would become known as "Bloody Sunday," a day when more than 600 people marching for civil rights were attacked by state troopers. The Museum | Museum of Free Derry - The Museum of Free Derry is the . A former Texas Mexican Mafia member, Joe Morales, explained this process of escalation. Jose Daniel Flores, aka "Cuate," 43, was sentenced to 360 months in prison after pleading guilty in March to intent to distribute heroin. While Sandoval hid from authorities prior to the trial he wrote and sent a 24-page letter to his mother Delia Sandoval, whom he asked to then send it to members of the media. Russians. After his short stop off at Conroe, they made their way to Huntsville, the capital of the Texas Department of Corrections, and since 1989 known as the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Carlos Rosas, a 31-year old from Dallas, a Texas Syndicate sergeant was tasked with the murder and fulfilled the hit for his prison gang, the Texas Syndicate. He also placed phone calls for them to the outside world and relayed harmless, though highly likely coded, messages for their illicit activity. He did not complete his college education although he went farther than many Mexican Americans from this region. People here dont want to believe a guard would do something like that (McKay, 1991). He was twenty-one and she was fifteen. Salerno based the crew out of the Palma Boys Social Club located 416 East 115th Street in East Harlem, Manhattan. First prison gang remains a force to fearThousands of Texas Syndicate members behind bars, but murder, mayhem continue. This occurred amidst the war between the two prominent Mexican American prison gangs that forced the state to act. Border Brothers, Tri City Bombers, Texas Mafia, Dirty White Boys, Mexikanemi, Mexican Mafia, Nuestra Familia, Aryan Brotherhood, Mandingo Warriors, Black Guerrilla Family, REGISTER NOW TO BEGIN TRAINING FOR YOUR GANG SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION. Caught with at least $125 million in heroin, Lika issued a $400,000 contract on the prosecutor Alan Cohen and the detective Jack Delemore, both placed under protective custody. An official inquiry in 2010 found that none of those killed by the British . Agim Gashi : Leader of an Albanian Mafia clan based out of Italy. Sandovals case was unique as the only guard to be charged with a homicide at this point, but other guards were charged with other crimes. The Azteca's murder their TS victim by slamming his head through jail bars. (Associated Press), On Jan 29, 2009, high ranking Texas Syndicate member Ricardo Ortiz is executed by the state of Texas for his role in a 1997 murder. Formed in the California prison system in the 1970s by incarcerated Tejanos, the Texas Syndicate sought protection against Californios. Bloody Sunday, demonstration in Londonderry (Derry), Northern Ireland, on Sunday, January 30, 1972, by Roman Catholic civil rights supporters that turned violent when British paratroopers opened fire, killing 13 and injuring 14 others (one of the injured later died). On January 30, 1972, British soldiers stationed in the Northern Irish city of Derry opened fire on crowds of unarmed civilian protesters, killing 13, mortally wounding another, and injuring 15 others with unprecedented brutality. Bloody Sunday in Derry, January 30 . Sandoval claimed he skipped the court date and hid out for three weeks in California because he feared prison officials. Hernandez was eventually sentenced to 25 years for the murder of Joe Arredondo (Fair, 1991). These actions were either through bribery, profit, blackmail, and even threats of violence to the guards or their families. The unconstitutional findings exposed by the court ruling uncovered issues within the Texas prison system such as overcrowding, inadequate security (collapsed the building tenders), inadequate healthcare, unsafe working conditions, and severe punishment policies. (Gang Intelligence 101), In 1995, the Texas Syndicate declares war on a Mexican gang known as Mexicles. Inside the walls of each prison is drugs, prostitution, gambling, extortion, and grand theft, but no investigation into any of these things has ever been made (Draper, 1991). The Northern Albanian Mafia which runs the drug wholesale business is also known by the name of "The Fifteen Families." Blood Out, Texas Prison Gangs. Accessed December 1, 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2SjyCPZ-NU They are said to be present in every big city in Britain as well as many smaller ones including Telford and Lancaster , after having fought off rival criminals in turf wars. Sandoval experienced the escalated violence in the summer of 1985 first hand as he initiated his career as a correctional officer. Texas prisons were mostly gang-free until bloody battles broke out in 1984-85 between the Mexican Mafia and Texas Syndicate as well as the Aryan Brotherhood and Mandingo Warriors. For Sandoval, this was the lighting of an inmates cigarette, a task perceived in the outside world as nonthreatening, but inside the walls of a prison, a very dangerous act. Due to the fact that the Mafia families are based on the blood ties, which is a factor that restricts the number of the clan members, the bonds between them are very strong, which makes getting close to and infiltrating into them almost impossible. Both the Texas Syndicate and Mexikanemi team up against the Barrio Azteca. When SNCC's efforts were frustrated by stiff resistance from Read MoreBloody Sunday Protest March, Selma, Alabama, March 7, 1965 The Rudaj Organization , also called "The Corporation", was a well known Albanian criminal organization operating in the New York City metro area. Jose Lopez, founding member of the Texas Mexican Mafia stated, once you know you get out well youre marked by the gang for extermination (Riggs, 2011). Along with this, something else was happening. PHOTO: Crowd of petitioners, led by Father Gapon, near Narva Gate, St. Petersburg. Location: Texas . Copyright 2011, National Center for Gang Training, USA. They continued the war and within month's police began arresting top members of the Camorra gangs. Crim. * Overlapping "TS", or an "S" superimposed over a "T", * longhorn steer horns, or any figure with horns, Criminal activities: This influenced who the prison gang incorporated into their monetary endeavors. Winner of the Sundance Film Festival's Audience Award, writer-director Paul Greengrass' "magnetic and impassioned" drama is a "staggering re-creation" of the events of Sunday, January 30th, 1972 when British troops clashed with unarmed protestors in Derry, Northern Ireland. (Associated Press), On Austin July 2, 2001, Texas Syndicate members murder female TS associate Jove Rios for conducting business with the Mexikanemi.