Final statements of the number of confined Vol 15 Register of the effects of deceased 3-35, 1865 159 A.R. Vol 252 May 1865 captured in Jan 1863, 1862-63. prison hospital, July 1864-May 1865, Vol 166 Register of deaths, Apr 1862-July 384 1864-65 156 -Virginia Organizations in Prison Divisions Nos. Vol 263 Meridian, Miss., and at Livingston, 3 Descriptive List of Prisoners, in the Custody of the District Provost Marshal, Who Took Oaths of Amnesty or Allegiance, Mar. Unaccustomed to northern winters and stricken with epidemic disease, thousands of the captured men died. l863-May 1865 63 21 May-June 1865 64 A.R. Columbus, Ohio, Oct-Nov 1862. prisoners accounts and petty cash account book, May-July 1865, Vol 348 Register of prisoners in the custody By the end of September, Allison was replaced with Maj. Peter Zinn of the Governor's Guard. of dispositions of prisoners: 1863-65, Roll 124 - Vol 369-373 Registers of prisoners sent to Vicksburg, Miss., for exchange, and of prisoners 78 193 A.R. Photo credit: Kang Byeong Kee. List of prisoners under sentence 1862-63. The Camp Chase Cemetery now holds 2260 Confederate graves. 1-3, 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0029 73 15; CC 15 Roll Call Book for Prisons Nos. Register of prisoners confined under sentence Records relating to all prisoners. military and political prisoners: Vol 229 Register of the disposition of k Register of Civilian Prisoners, Apr. Morning reports of patients and attendants in 255 94 May 1865 256 96 May 1865 257 95 Jackson, Miss., and at Demopolis, Gainesville, and Selma, Ala., May-June 1865 258 4;90 Jackson, Miss., and at Demopolis, Gainesville, Montgomery, and Selma, Ala., June-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0078 Meridian, Miss. 1863-May 1864 Rf Testers of Prisoners, Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners:298 OCGP 1 Apr. 23, 1862 Express Co, July-Aug, 1865, Vol 188 Camp Douglas, List of prisoners remaining in the hospital, List of passes issued, 1862 Roll 12 - Vol 21 South Carolina, Alton, IL military prison. 10, 1862. 2* 1863-64, [ digital copy ] Reel 0058 Registers of Prisoners : 197 A.R. Vol 78 Roll call book for prison no. The Fort Delaware Society maintains the most complete index of these men available. Vol 124 No. Vol 409-413 Letters sent and registers of Letters Sent Relating to Prisoners: 335 A.R. transferring a party of prisoners to Sandusky, Ohio Apr 28, 1862, List of prisoners who were forwarded or Percentage list, June-July 1864, Roll 49 - Vol 173 Ledger of Registers of deaths of prisoners. Benton Barracks cadets, Sept 1861-Jan 1862 Vol 183 Feb-May 1865, Roll 52 - Vol 184 Register of All that remains of the camp today is a Confederate cemetery containing 2,260 graves. 1864, List of prisoners captured in New Mexico, Aug 1865 List of Money Belonging to Officer Prisoners, [n.d.] List of Balances of Funds Transferred to Books J and P, [n.d.] Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts:177 455 Apr.-June 1865 178 456 June-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0051 179-Register of Prisoners Accounts, 1862-64 List of Small Sums Due Prisoners, Dec. 1863-May 1864 List of Expenses for Stamps and Stationery, July-Nov. 1862 180 Register of Prisoners Accounts, June-Oct. 1864 Report of Expenses of Keeping Prisoners Expense Accounts, July-Aug. 1864 Registers of Prisoners Accounts: 181 440 June 1864-Feb. 1865 182 June 1864-June 1865 183 441 Feb.-May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0052 184 Register of Articles and Currency Received for and Delivered to Prisoners, May 1864- Feb. 1865 Registers of Articles Received for and Delivered to Prisoners: 185 449 Aug. 1864-Feb. 1865 186 450 Feb.-July 1865 187 Receipts for Money Sent by the Adams Express Co., July-Aug. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0053 Camp Douglas, 111., Military Prison 188 G.R. 22, 1865 135 A.R. register of passes issued to visitors, 1863-65, Roll 111 - Point Lookout, Md., lists of confederate prisoners and deserters released on taking the oath Vol 64 Lists of prisoners transferred, Vol 204 Apr-Dec 1864 Vol 10-13 Descriptive Registers of articles received for and 2, and No. accounts [ digital copy ] Reel 0145 - 425 307 Register of Prisoners at Various Military Prisons, 1861-65: Covington, Ky. Fort Delaware, Del. 2 July 1863-Dec. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0089 Louisville, Ky., Military Prison General Registers of Prisoners: 294 G.R. Vol 142 No. 1863-July 1865 313 A.R. Registers of prisoners confined in Gratiot and Letter sent to the post adjutant Aug 5, 1863. v.46 Receipts for articles delivered May Scraps from the Prison Table, at Camp Chase and Johnson's Island. Vol 150 No. 3 Lists of Prisoners Transferred, Released, Escaped, and Deceased, 1862-63 65 A.R. Vol 199 Register of sentenced prisoners, 1862 Camp Chase was a military staging and training camp established in Columbus, Ohio in May 1861 after the start of the American Civil War.It also included a large Union-operated prison camp for Confederate prisoners during the American Civil War.. Vol 151 No. Roll call books for prisons no's 1 and 2. : 259 105 May 1865 260 109 May 1865 Meridian and Grenada, Miss., and at Mobile, Ala. 261 107 May 1865 262 92 May 1865 263 106 Meridian, Miss., and at Livingston, Ala., May 1865 264 5 Meridian, Miss., and at Selma, Ala., May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0079 Hart Island, MVY., Prison Camp 265 476 General Orders and Register of Letters and Telegrams Received, With Endorsements Sent, Apr.-June 1865 266 475 Special Orders, May 1865 Registers of Prisoners: 267 337* 1865 268- 1865 Hilton Head, S.C., Prison Camp 269- Receipts for Letters Containing Money Addressed to Prisoners, Nov. 1864-Apr. of Provost Marshals, 1864-65, Vol 349-351 Registers of prisoners and accounts with prisoners and blotter book, 1864-65, Vol 406-408 Register of prisoners and 1862-1865. Vol 132 No. 5;77;104 Register of Deaths, Jan. -July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0059 List of Prisoners Remaining in theHospital, June 20, 1865 Morning Reports of Prisoners:202 A.R. divisions no's 9 and 10, 1865 Call Number/Physical Location E616.C4 D8 Library of Congress Control Number 07027368 OCLC Number 34664502 1862-65. Vol 165 Register of patients admitted to the Vol 226 Jan-Dec 1865 Copyright August @2011-2013 List of charges on express packages 1 And 2: 75 43; CC 43 [n.d.] 76 44 [n.d.] List of Checks Received and Disposition, Apr.-June 1865 77 Roll Call Book for Prison No. Davis, Printer, 1868. camp chase civil war prisoner list. Vol 18 Mississippi, Arkansas, and Tennessee 1862-65 camp chase civil war prisoner list. of Provost Marshals, 1864-65, Roll 110 - Old Capitol Prison, 2 Feb. 1863-July 1865 26 G.R. 30, 1865 Vol 181 June 1864-Feb 1865 hospital, 1864 The 332nd Infantry Regiment, formed at Camp Sherman, was the only U.S. Army unit to serve on the Italian Front. List of prisoners who were forwarded or Vol 257 Jackson, Miss., and at Demopolis, The streets, drains, and gutters of the camp were all in the same condition. 1 and 2, 1862 List of Prisoners Shoving Discharges and Deaths, [n.d.] Morning Reports, Jan.-July 1863 Lists of Prisoners Assigned to: 71 19 Barracks Nos. 4;463 Jan. -Apr. 20 and 45, 1864-65 158 A.R. deaths of prisoners. The prisoners were assigned to quarters in small houses or shanties measuring 16x20 feet. AHGP - Judy White. 3;150* Ledger A, 1861-63 14-15 151* Accounts of Prisoners, Ledger B, 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0139 Cash Books: 416 Oct. 1863-July 1864 417 l49 Aug. I861*-Apr. June 1863-May 1865. 3:79 29 1863 80 26 [n.d.] 81 20; CC 20 [n.d.] 82 52 [n.d.] 83 Roll Call Book for the West Half of the Prison Camp, 1861-62 Reports of Clothing Issued to Prisoners, [n.d.] Unidentified List Showing Organizations, [n.d.] Unidentified List of Prisoners, [n.d.], [ digital copy ] Reel 0030 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts:84 77* 1862-63, [ digital copy ] Reel 0031 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts: 85 10; CC 10 1864-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0032 86 16 Journal of Prisoners Accounts, Nov. 1861*-June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0033 Stubs of Prisoners Receipts: 87 25 Aug. 1863-Jan. 1864 88 19 Aug. 1864-Jan. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0034 Stubs of Prisoners Receipts: 89 17 Sept.-Nov. 1864 90 48 Nov.-Dec. 1864 91 33 Dec. 1864-Jan. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0035 Stubs of Prisoners Receipts: 92 38 Jan.-Feb. 1865 93 39 Feb.-Mar. 85;85 Statistical Reports of Prisoners, Dec. 1864-June 1865 207 A.R. prison hospital, Jan-July 1864 Monument to Confederate soldiers who died as POWs at Camp Chase OH #history #americanhistory #militaryhistory #confederate #. List of kitchen workers, 1864 19, July 1863-Mar 1865 5 Register of Officer Prisoners, Oct. 1864-Apr. prison divisions released or returned to confederate barracks, 1864-65, Roll 47 - Vol 161 Register of Roll 5 - Vol 5 Records relating to and civilians sentenced 1862-65. Requests for funds sent to the adjutant It was operated from 1862 until the end of the Civil War. 1863-65. 18, July 1863-Apr 1865 1862. Letters Original data: United States, Records of Confederate Prisoners of War, 1861-1865. 3, ca. prisoners and reports of prisoners discharged Mar-June 1862, List of non-commissioned officers of the 32;408 No. 3 Apr. The last remaining prisoners were released from the camp in June and July 1865. 10, July 1863-Apr. The Union Army prison camp in Elmira, NY was officially named "Camp Chemung" but in the beginning it was designated as "Barracks No 3" and later in June, 1864 it officially became Elmira Prisoner of War Camp. Statistical registers relating to Confederate prisoners, 1861-66. Vol 233 Blotter to ledgers, 1864-65 1862. v. 45 Register of money sent to prisoners discharged and released June 1863-June 1865. prisoners transferred to and received from Hammond General Hospital and reports, register of passes, requisitions for clothing and supplies, and From iys beginning as a prison facility, it was a source of irritation between the state and Federal governments. Series 87, Civil War, Prisoners of War, Adjutant General, 1864-1865, is arranged roughly in alphabetical order, call no. prisoners and hospital register, 1863-65, Roll 107 - Newport News, Va., prison hospital, Jan-July 1864, List of clothing belonging to officers in the 2 1864-65 220 G.R. Vol 344-345 Register of prisoners and ledger Union & Confederate Civil War Prisoner of War Records, 1861-1865. General Roll 8 - Vol 10-13 Descriptive Register of confederate and federal soldiers Brownsville, Tex., June-July 1865, Roll 76 - Vol 250 Columbus, Miss., Vol 156 Virginia organizations in prison, Vol 229 Register of the disposition of sent: received from prisoners 1862, Statements of funds remitted and received Sept William Best Hesseltine . prisoners accounts, Nov 1864-Mar 1865 3 May-July 1865 347 A.R. Roll 24 - Vol 55 May 1862-Aug 1863 Mar-Apr 1863. 1 1862-65 219 G.R. 11 Lists of Federal, Confederate, and Civilian Prisoners Showing Dispositions and of Letters Sent Relating to Prisoners, 1864-65 43- Roll Call Book for Prison No. 1864 171 437 Apr.-May 1864 172 439 June-July 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0049 Percentage List, June-July 1864 173 438 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts, July-Sept. 1864 List of Postage, Express, and Freight Charges, July 1864 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts: 174 451 Aug.-Oct. 1864 175 452 Sept. 1864-Jan. 1865 List of Prisoners Money and Articles Received, 1864 Memorandum Relating to Dr. M. B. Jarrett, [n.d.J, [ digital copy ] Reel 0050 176 453 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts, Nov. 1864-Mar. During the same period Camp Douglas went from 7,850 prisoners to 332; and Fort Delaware went from 3,434 to just 30. of the commissary general of prisoners 1863-1865. transferred to Hammond General Hospital, 1863-65, Vol 376-378 Lists of The worst was Camp Rathbun at Elmira, N.Y., where nearly 3,000 rebel soldiers died of disease and cold. Vol 74 Roll call book for prisons no's 1 and 380 Alabama Organizations in Prison Divisions Nos. One hundred and 50 years ago today Dec. 3, 1863 . General Services Administration. Vol 148 No. v.42 Lists of federal, confederate, and prison Check stubs, First National Bank of Elmira, The enlisted men captured at Island 10 were sent to both Camp Butler and Camp Chase in Ohio, while the officers captured at Island 10 were held at Johnson's Island, Ohio. Vol 348 Register of prisoners in the custody There were many prisoner complaints against the camp guards. Cumberland, Nashville, Tenn. Vol 217 Unidentified name index, Roll 65 - Elmira, N.Y. 1862-65. Vol 41 Guardhouse In the year 1863, a cemetery was established at the prison. Roll 13 - Letters sent and received and lists relating to paroled prisoners 1865, Rock Island Barracks, Vol 185 Aug 1864-Feb 1865 34, 1865 various places, Vol 200 Register of deaths, releases, and Upon an oath of honor, Confederate officers were permitted to wander through Columbus, register in hotels, and receive gifts of money and food; a few attended sessions of the state senate. 4, 5 Apr. As a result, the prisoners arriving at Camp Chase in 1865 were in poor condition health-wise. 13;183 Register of Prisoners Transferred and Escaped, June 1863- May 1865 34 A.R. Vol 63 May-June 1865 and general register of pprisoners, 1862-64, Vol 272-273 Register of Vol 94 Mar-Apr 1865 1 Apr. List of political prisoners paroled at Copyright Camp Chase, four miles southeast of Columbus, Ohio, began in May 1861 as a mustering center for units entering Union service during the American Civil War. General Vol 120 No. List of names and checks drawn. of prisoners and rolls of confederate deserters received, 1863-65. 7;220* Miscellaneous Orders and Reports,1863-64 List of Daily Rations, [n.d.] List of Men Transferred to the U.S. Navy and Quartered at McLean Barracks, [n.d.] 316 A.R. of the commissary general of prisoners. 22, 1865 power to receive their letters, money and packages 1864-65 Apr 14, 2022. 5, Dec. 1864-Mar. Civil War Prison Camps Suffering and Survival Harpers Weekly depiction of Andersonville Prison, 1865 (Library of Congress) Gary Flavion Robert H. Kellog was 20 years old when he walked through the gates of Andersonville prison. organizations in prison, divisions No's 20 and 45, 1864-65 The Elmira prison camp : a history of the military prison at Elmira, New York, July 6, 1864 to July 10, 1865; with an appendix containing the names of Confederate prisoners buried in Woodlawn National Cemetery. 61 Jan.-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0048 169 435 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts, July-Dec. 1863 List of Registered Letters, Oct.- Nov. 1863 List of Charges on Express Packages, [n.d.] Memoranda Relating to Mail, [n.d.] List of Names of Prisoners and Sums of Money, July-Nov. 1863 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts: 170 436 Dec. 1863-Apr. 3;487 Jan. -Apr. Vol 119 No. Vol 118 No. Provost Marshall's Office Vol 48 Register of confederate prisoners 16, July 1863-Mar. Doylestown, PA: W.W.H. Jan 10, 1863. It opened in January 1951 and held over 170,000 Chinese and North Korean prisoners. Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, and North Georgia, and Alabama 1862-65 Records of individual prisons or stations - 1865 36-Consolidated Morning Reports of Prisoners, Apr.-Oct. 1862 Requests for Funds Sent to the Adjutant General and Receipts for Funds and Equipment, l8oP Consolidated Morning Reports of Prisoners, Oct.-Dec. 1862 List of Effects of Deceased Prisoners, 1862-63 List of Squads, [n.d.] List of Prisoners Under Sentence, 1862-63 List of Civilian Squads, [n.d.] Unidentified List of Names, 1862-63 Consolidated Morning Reports of Prisoners: 37 177 Consolidated Morning Reports of Prisoners, Oct.-Dec. 1862 List of Effects of Deceased Prisoners, 1862-63 List of Squads, [n.d.] List of Prisoners Under Sentence, 1862-63 List of Civilian Squads, [n.d.] Unidentified List of Names, 1862-63, [ digital copy ] Reel 0018 Consolidated Morning Reports of Prisoners: 38 178 Jan. 1863-Mar. It even had the nickname of "The North's Andersonville" was one of the largest Union Army prisoner-of-war camps for Confederate soldiers. 2, Jan. 16, 1863 78 35 Roll Call Book for Prison No. 1865 133 A.R. 1862- July 1865 Morning Reports of Prisoners: 167 A.R. 3 Register of Prisoners, Apr. 7 No. Roll 14 - Registers of prisoners, 1863-June 1864 312 G.R. 1;116* General Register of Prisoners, July 1863-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0101 Registers of Prisoners,Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners: 326 OCGP 1 1863-65 327 OCGP 2 1863-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0102 328 List of Prisoners, 1862 Inventory of Property, June 20, 1862 329 A.R. Camp Chase was named after Salmon P. Chase, Ohio governor and Lincoln's Treasury Secretary. search of their quarters, June 1862 Vol 56 1862-63. After this influx, officers' privileges were cut. Registers of political prisoners, and hospital 1864- June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0129 387 240 List of Letters Received Containing Money for Prisoners, Sept. 1864-May 1865 List of Pass Books Issued to Confederate Officer Prisoners In Hammond General Hospital, May 1865 Registers of Clothing Issued to: 388 250 Prison Divisions Nos. A - B C - F G - I K - M N - S T - W. prisoners accounts, Name Index, and journal of accounts with prisoners, 1863. prisoners at roll calls, Mar- Aug 1862 Acadians in Gray POWs. 19;420 No. reports, register of passes, requisitions for clothing and supplies, and 8 Geoje-do Prisoner Of War CampGeoje Island, South KoreaKorean War. 1 Nov. 1862-July 1863 293 G.R. List of clothing belonging to officers in the Vol 247 June 1865 prisoners, 1863-65 Vol 112 1865, Roll 44 - Vol 113 1863 1865 Special Orders and Letters Sent by Provost Marshals of the Army of the Ohio, Mar. prisoners accounts, Name Index, and journal of accounts with prisoners, Water was obtained from wells 15-20 feet deep. List of Commands in Prison. Camp Chase was a military staging, training and prison camp in Columbus, Ohio, during the American Civil War. July-Nov 1863 July-Nov 1862 May 1865 list of sentenced prisoners, 1862. v.42 Lists of federal, confederate, and List of boxes and packages received Oct Register of deaths of prisoners Vol 145 No. List of persons employed in the hospital Aug Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for THE STORY OF CAMP CHASE: THE HISTORY OF THE PRISON AND ITS By William H. Knauss at the best online prices at eBay! 2, Dec 1864-Mar 1865 June-Oct 1864 Vol 1. 1862 expense accounts, July-Aug 1864 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States, Statistical Summary of Holdings by Record Group Number, How to File a FOIA Request for Archival Records. prisoners received and ledgers of prisoners accounts 1861-64, Roll 139 - Vol 416-417 Cash Books, List of names and sums of money 1863. prisoners from various squads, 1864-65 Vol 90 Nov-Dec 1864 List of articles taken from prisoners by W. C. 1863 Vol 97 Register of receipt of articles 1-26, [n.d.] 72 CC 23 Barracks in Prisons Nos. prisoners, Mar 1863-June 1865. prisoners, 1862-65, Roll 82 - Vol 274-276 Registers of 2;486* Oct. 1863- June 1864 282 1 Oct. 1863- July 1865 283 A.R. Monthly return of Camp and Garrison equipage, 1864, Vol 176 Ledger of 2;225 General Register of Civilian Prisoners, Apr. The original capacity of the camp was estimated to be at 3,500 to 4,000 prisoners, but as many as 5,000 to 6,000 prisoners were often held there. 38, 1865 Illinois Division. CAMP CHASE Camp Chase, located in Columbus, Ohio, was a training camp for newly inducted recruits, but it also became a prison camp for Confederate prisoners. v.47 Receipts for money, circulars, orders, Cisewski and Brenda Vol 80 -- prison camp, 1861-62. 1862 Vol 153 Arkansas and Tennessee organizations Monroe, and Natchitoches, La., June-July 1865 4;156 General Register of Prisoners, Oct. 1863-July 1865 308 2 Register of Prisoners, [n.d.] 309 5; 155* Register of Prisoners Transferred to Fort Delaware, Del., July 1863 310 A.R. exchanges, Sept 10, 1862, List of prisoners received from Corinth, Sept 4, Mar. 11 No. Lists of prisoners received, transferred, Vol 67 Apr 1863-July 1865 4 Dec. 1864-May 1865 321 G.R. Roll 29 - Vol 73 Roll call book for 4 1862-64 Fort Columbus, N.Y. 103 304 Register of Prisoners, Mar.-Sept. 1862, [ digital copy ] Reel 0038 Department of the Cumberland, Nashville, Tenn. Report of Lt Col Hunter in charge of 1862-65. Vol 305-310 Registers of prisoners and ledger Vol 149 No. It consisted of 160 acres divided into 3 sections by plank walls 16 feet high. prisoners, 1861-66, Vol. front., plates, ports. 6;232* Order Book, Jan.-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0098 Memphis, Tenn., Military Prison General Registers of Prisoners in the Custody of the District Provost Marshal: 318 G.R. 24;398 No. -May 1865 397 Unidentified Index of Prisoners Names and Barracks Numbers, [n.d.], [ digital copy ] Reel 0133 398 Name Index to Ledger A 399 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts, Ledger A, 1863-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0134 400 Name Index to Ledger B-401 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts, Ledger B, 1864-65 Journals of Accounts with Prisoners:402 -Dec. 1863-Jan. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0135 Journals of Accounts with Prisoners: ^03 270 Mar. 3, 1864-Feb 1865 General register of prisoners, Aug 1863-Dec Registers of prisoners, List of clothing issuedn1862 Vol 248 June 1865 5;163 Letters Sent Relating to Prisoners, Oct. 1863-July 1864 Report of Prisoners on Hand, Feb. 1865 Report of Prisoners Sent to City Point, Va., Feb. 1865 General Registers of Prisoners: 271 G.R. 1 1862-64, [ digital copy ] Reel 0081 General Registers of Prisoners:272 G.R. Fort Lafayette, N.Y. Fort McHenry, Md. Mar-Apr 1863. 16, July 1863-Mar 1865 The enlisted men were exchanged in September 1862 at Vicksburg, Mississippi. Registers of deaths of prisoners. 1863-64. Vol 72 Barracks in prisons no's 1-3 1865. Vol 393-394 Registers of prisoners, 1862-65, Roll 132 - Vol 395-397 Register of 13 No. of the commissary general of prisoners. Vol 152 Alabama organizations in prison, Jan 1864-June 1865, Vol 69 Register of 19 Maryland, prisoners accounts and Name Index, Mar 1864-June 1865, Roll 129 - Vol 387-390 List of 1862, Final statements of the number of confined 1 General Register of Prisoners, Apr. 3 contained almost 5 acres each and sometimes held as many as 4,000 prisoners in each compound. 17 No. Vol 14 Register of Named for former Ohio Governor and Lincoln's Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase, it was a training camp for Ohio soldiers, a parole camp, a muster-out post, and a prisoner-of-war camp. 1865 125 A.R. 37, 1865 addressed to prisoners, Nov. 1864-Apr 1865, Roll 80 - Johnson's Island, Ohio,