I even moved from the U.K. to Scandinavia to be with her, and even though we had three kids together, she was never satisfied and always expected more. He always guides her in the field of career which may at times be uncomfortable for her but usually she appreciates his guidance and follows his path. I'm a. Hey Im A Cancer , and I have this female friend shes a virgo . Save. He didnt even ask my best friend who he knew longer than me to hold his things. Theyre meant to work well together. WebThe Cancer man Virgo woman compatibility is filled with an emotional attachment that is strong and flexible at the same time. Hi. Its interesting, how could a person love someone that they dont know nothing about. A Virgo female Cancer male couple will enjoy carefully planning out trips, finances, and living arrangements, as both signs organize extremely well. where ever I see, i see her, i am nothing without her. Now, the only thing i can do is wishing her to have good and healthy life, happy moments and wonderful working years. As a couple, the Cancer man's attachment to reality and pragmatism will be a support for the Virgo woman. WebNaturally, a Virgo man and a Cancer woman are highly compatible. I dont know why, but we used to quarrel even though we have a lot in common. Cancer man ardently admires the intelligence and practicality of the Virgo woman. Both of them are as loyal and faithful towards one another, thus making no space for distrust, jealousy or possessiveness to take place. or if I want to go watch a movie on premiere night, he says wait til saturday, then he doesnt feel like it, so now I sneak in midnight showings. The nature of Cancer is very sentimental and empathetic. Oh and cancer man usually are hypochondriac lol so that is my point of view in the matter hopes it helps. she is in my thoughts, she is in my work. He is the one, never loved anyone like this; ever!!! Built on a foundation of common sense, hard work and desire to please each other, this couples relationship will be focused around the creation of a tell him how you truly feel about about him and see what he thinks about you, also if hes being moody and upset just hug him and ask him whats really making him upset. The Cancer man compatibility with Virgo woman is filled with an emotional attachment which is strong and flexible at the same time. I even can smile when i think about him. hey there!! Save. she is my loss she is my gain, she is my laugh, she is my cry. We both want it to last forever. Wow this is so accurate! They share a special bond and enjoy a touching experience being with each other. I decided I was going to raise my children alone that I could not handle another man. I have been involved with a cancer man for 6yrs off and on and although he gets on my nerves I love this man. This description is really fitting for us both, its unbelievable. I have been dating a Cancer man and he turned my life around! They happen to be the most intense amongst the Zodiac Signs and are the ones that are highly driven by emotions. or if I want to go watch a movie on premiere night, he says wait til saturday, then he doesnt feel like it, so now I sneak in midnight showings. WebA Cancer man with his steady, watchful intelligence will win the respect of his Virgo woman. The Cancer Man and Virgo woman are incredibly compatible. I just could not understand why such a connection could come with so much dishonesty and hurt, he was with this other woman before I had been cut off emtionaly I was deeply hurt by his infidelity and cut ties with him 5 months later he was contacting me through email, not apologetic but just hoping that I did not hate him and being the Virgo that I am I was forgiving. My childrens real fathMy divorce from himer came around to create them and ditch them. Why you still with her if you so unhappy? This is frightningly accurate! My cancer friend said, You have been my biggest regret for not telling you how I felt! Good luck to you. We are not an easy bunch to figure out, and can be more than difficult, especially when we put our defenses up (we are magically masters at this), but the compassion, understanding, togetherness and love we are capable of is more intense and goes deeper than any other male zodiac sign. Both Cancer woman and Virgo man have a deep and innate need for security. And during this short period of time weve been able to share some of our most deepest and darkest secrets that none of our family or close friends know. How to. One more thing before I finishregardless of the compatibility between your suns or hell, even your whole charts, you have to have patience and realize that there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. Quick needs a double date or be in a relationship but I want it now stop stringing me along hes a cancer man. Actually, we broke up many timesbut all these brake-ups last maximum few days or few weeks. Though he may sometimes try to guideline her career options but generally he is generous and ready to stand by her side. My problem is that when I break up with, cus Im pissed about something he didnt do, like tells me to be ready at 8 and picks me up at 10PM! This poses an issue in the Cancer Virgo friendship as Cancers high sensitivity and moodiness will not respond well to this. I wish him gud luck . He would tell me everything.. You have to make them feel and see for them truly to grasp what you are saying but the compatibility is strong. As a virgo woman, its so hard to comptehend HOW she could go for affair, as being faithful and true is so highly valued in my mind and heart. With these signs in the virgo man cancer is a water of the other dating a little slow on the two. Every relationship demands some level of understanding between the partners and both of them are well aware this. Read about the Cancer male love relationship with Virgo female. = Dont you ever try to boss him. Im a Virgo woman , Ive known my cancer man for seven years , weve recently dedcided to take our friendship and turn into something with a little more substance our vibe is so smooth and we enjoy each other so much, mentally and physically sometimes our emotions cause us to argue but we always work through it . = Never try to blame him for wrong doing. The the last 3 years of the marriage I found myself self-medicating to relieve stress derived from the relationship. It seems like virgo woman dont want to be loved. Once I left for good she flipped out! They have an ability to listen to the other and comprehend each inner feeling in order to avoid bad things. It was a lovely first date and the last thing she did was tell me she liked the way i talked and made jokes and told me that she is looking forward to our 5th date, i replied we havent had a 2-4 date yet she said she knew theyd go great. Virgo, remember There is nothing makes a man happiest than to be respected by his woman. He too hides alot from me and gets upset when I mention all the woman he has as contacts on his phone. And i just met my virgo woman just now Ive been with a cancer man for 4 years and Im deeply in love with him. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF this Cancer man loves for his woman to look beautiful, sexy. I have read stories of how most cancer men turn to drugs to handle the stress and emotions of the Virgo and cancer union, well my story was different, my cancer man self-medicated on women. ZODIAC SIGN. Im still in love with my virgo girl, I love her so much, everytime I think about her I feel great. Im in love with a cancer man. Since I am a cancer and a man, I can give you one piece of insight into our inner workings. 1.) He likes to make me angry and for me, i dont want to lost if im not doing anything wrong. and I just promised not to break up with him again, he doesnt believe and is reserved. Like others, i feel so excited. Thanks, Im a virgo woman and I love my cancer mate. Thinkstock. A Cancer man and Virgo woman combination are a highly compatible zodiac match. They understand each other, and they are able to provide each other with balance. A Cancer man is able to soften a Virgo woman and help her to relax. Likewise, a Virgo woman will be able to provide grounding and emotional stability to a Cancer man. Sooner or later, Virgo will focus his problem-solving, perfectionist mind towards his partner. LOL!! I prefer the word lovely because i want to make it traditional and normal as she is. We found something I think only these to signs can share and it cant be put into words. My love was not enough for her and she ended up having affairs. My boyfriend is cancer and I am virgo. and my god, wow, im so in shock how deep i love her! I kept laughing because of his childish attitude. The time you spent together is very important for cancer. We have to thank God someday for creating this kind of peoples among us, because they are special jewels for this world. Passionate double I have to say hes the most sensual, devoted lover and keeps telling me he just wants to get closer and closer. And by God, if he proposes and youve already decided youd probably marry him later on down the road, tell him your intentions. It all helps. While in love, they share the same values and provide stability and comfort to one another. If your heart is in the right place, you couldnt ask for a better mate. Its quite refreshing. Hes amazing and Im He never hear my words.. v had been in a long distance relationship but now v r in same place.. still he never say dat he want to meet me n spend tym wid me .. and for me my life is so precious.. Save. Because cancer see complaints as the upsolute definition of unappreciation. he was a complete Tosser!! Perfect match for a Virgo. Dance like Jennifer in Meet the Millers. My man took me in a survior of sexual abuse and later domestic violence. He is also asomewhat complicated man. HES LIKE A MIND READER, NOT GOOD FOR A VIRGO. Both Cancer and Virgo are goal-oriented and disciplined. You know because he was more shy then me about things, being around my best friend always made me turn into a confident leader like guy. she is steady, grounded and tolerant of unfavorable situations, if any bad thing happens repeatedly to take what she had built or pushed by someone beyond her limit, instead of telling someone she will cry to the Lord and her prayers will instantly be heard. I dont know how to start but then right now i really think the article is true. Image: Shutterstock. With these signs in the virgo man cancer is a water of the other dating a little slow on the two. Everything was perfect omg, Ive never fell so hard for someone. I mean it! Cancer and Virgo compatibility is a combination of emotional depth, practicality, and loyalty. You just met up and you slept with him already!!!.. She Spend A Night , We have some things in common , and our bond is strong . Im a Virgo women also dating a cancer man just like you all I feel as tho he hiding things we argue it gets really bad be this kind of hate I cant describe even while we argue he go on and on after I let it go but when we not arguing nothing but happiness the way he make me feel his soft touch his strong arms I just want to have sex with him all day but he says I want it to much but I love him, Omg when i read that i thought i wrote it lol. = Allow him to participate in your activities. I hope you find your love that makes you think different of us Virgo females. It was an emotional rollercoaster for me. REMEMBER THAT THEY ARE PERECT (LOL, FUNNY BUT TRUE, THATS WHAT THINK ABOUT THEMEVEN WE KNOW THEY ARE WRONG SOMETIMES). I am thankful every day for my Cancer. Its fascinating when this pair comes together. WebCancer and Virgo Friendship Weaknesses. The compatibility between a Cancer Man and Virgo Woman is undeniable. I am a virgo woman married to a cancer man. Then I came across him one day after knowing him for 8 years but we werent close. He makes me feel more woman and he seems like he already knows what my needs are. They complement each other well in various aspects of a relationship, from friendship to marriage. i will wakeup from dead, ever her breathe falls on me. You have the rare opportunity to be blessed with his trust, and you should guard it with your life. We remained friends for a while until it became romantic again, I could not deal with having to discover another woman again even though we were not serious it was not something I wanted to do so we cut ties again, I started a new relationship with another man who was an Aquarius (bad move) we lasted three months and within those three months I could not forget my cancer man, no matter how hard I tried there was no right amount of romance, care or conversation from the Aquarius that could compete with my Cancer man, cancer and Virgo are a combination that cannot be beaten. But what makes me weird is that, when it was his turnto play. They both experience extreme satisfaction and fulfillment in their love-making. Maybe one day we will be together for good. Where is your part, relationship are two way street. Please can a cancer man please respond, please? But needless to say my cancer friend doesnt do drugs and really just started to try to drink so lets hope he doesnt like it..lol I do want to have happiness again with someone,and if it happens to be with him I will be greatful. Porn quality sex in his words haha Im keeping this one around for a while. Well after breaking up Im so pissed I dont even want to talk to him. Especially when it comes to our mates. I dont sweat the small stuff, just the biggies. tell her how you feel, we virgos are straight forward. A relationship between a Cancer man and Virgo woman (or Virgo man and Cancer woman, or any combination of the two signs, regardless of gender) may get off to I married a Taurus man and got divorced 4 years later. Youre perceptive Virgin ladies, you can do it. Im a Virgo Woman met my Cancer Man a year ago. Guess what, he hates me when im talking about other man. So for now I just want my cancer to be a friend, and if something comes from that the better. And cancer man she likes honesty top priority of Virgo women and you to listen to her. A powerful bond is formed between this love match, who understand each other really well, who know how to reciprocate with one another and evolve together. WebBy Bee Wolf-Ray Professional Astrologer. We are both very similar and have are arguments but in the end we make up and the love only grows stronger. Im a virgo woman and I believe we do get along. heres my answer one decade later, lol, just talk to him in an apologetic way and that should do it. I am a cancer man married to a virgo woman for 10 years. I found her birth date at MyLife.com, i also found her professional profile at linkedin.com. I have a friend which he was younger than me and hes cancer. Every detail is a fact. Both of these signs tend to be misunderstood in popular astrology, but they understand each other well. WebCancerian men and Virgo women are hard workers who tend to adapt well to any working environment. I dont even scolded him. These people generally give great importance to aesthetics and refinement. WebCancer dating virgo man We would break up over 40 million singles: voice recordings. I have been with my current boyfriend for almost one yearhe is everything to me. He every thing I want in a man. She is also charmed by him with all his love and deep care that he shows for her, the way he is able to comprehend with a lot of patience. The male Cancer is someone who is sentimental and is sympathetic as well. But you know, as my favourite pastpr Charles Stanley once said; people read and are guided by horrorscope and they are born under this, that and the otherinstead of getting born again (spiritually) through Jesus Christ and theyll be free from all of that. You have to pick your moments,if hes in a bad mood or is under a lot of stress it would probably be better to wait until in the morning. Because Dont give him a hard time if he doesnt shout I LOVE YOU. I dont know how to describe her, but she have something unique and special in her. Im a virgo women. He is a gem and I am his lady. Im a Virgo woman whos not perfect but this man makes me feel complete and loved like no other has loved me. DO NOT READ INTO THINGS When he says something to you that doesnt make sense, just kindly ask him to explain (do not raise your voice); he likes talking about his feelings. Virgo Man and Cancer Woman chemistry Cancer is an affectionate and sentimental sign, and that makes Virgo feel secure. Some may turn to drugs to mask or dull the pain associated with the intensity of those feelings, mainly negative ones. I dont know if she is happily married or has a solitary life. I have been with other men who treat me so much better but my heart truly belongs to him. Dont say things that you know will hurt him when you fight not just because he will remember them later and wont be able to let go, but because he hurts deeply when he hurts. He might not be intellectual as you wish, but he is surprisingly wise, so ask him for his advise. He has been always like thaton and off.. later he would call me a few days after he would be on phone shaking by the strong passion, sometime he would be laughing and making jokes, unpredictable with him.