"The only thing that I can tell you is that Matthew Boynton's account of events are not correct.". Who shot Jessica Boynton? A new podcast investigates | wwltv.com I didn't know if I was dealing with a possible active active scenario where she still had the gun and she had shot Tyler, he replies. Even though doctors were able to save her life, they couldn't save her from what was about to happen to her familylosing custody of her children. GBI conducts canvas and begins interviewing neighbors. The shooting occurred on the evening of April 14, 2016. "I believe it's both, it's sloppy and a cover-up," said Jessica. A body-cam captures her inconsolable baby boy in the arms of an officer. With dark, latex gloves on, an officer kneels down and touches her neck with his fingers. She had a job interview and it was going to be her first step to freedom. I wouldn't trade those two boys for anything," she said, swiping away tears streaming down both cheeks. Absolutely, Matthew assures the agent. OR OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS. WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE FBI???????? And with that Matthew Boyton's questioning was over. Listen. HLN's 'Real Life Nightmare' episode focuses on Georgia cop, ex-wife Jessica's hair is so matted with blood no one can find the actual gunshot wound to stop the bleeding. She wants to give her new employers the right impression, since tomorrow is her first day at a chiropractor's office. I wouldn't trade them for anything no matter the situation. That question lingers--but not for Georgia Bureau of Investigations, who said the case is closed--repeatedly stating that they are satisfied with their findings. When they finally shove their way in, tragic heartbreak is lying in front of them. Man that young girl deserves justice, it really smells like the cop snapped and tried to kill her, especially during the night of interview when he starts talking fast and over explaining his actions like I didnt even wash my hands. When asked if Boynton had explained why he allegedly kept his ex-wifes belongings, Yates said, No. Earlier that night Jessica's husband Matthew headed to Waffle House for a late-night bite with a fellow officer, leaving his service. Which is very off that this happened, because I never, ever had any thoughts like this before. The agent who told Mathews, Were gonna have a problem, apologized to the reporter and told her that he was answering questions about a case file that he had not reviewed for months. "It's just inconvenient. Matthew Boynton allegedly deprived ex-wife Jessica Lester of her belongings and lied to the authorities about doing so, Griffin police Lt. Michael Natale said in a statement. I do not have any other items of Jessicas.. Five days after his wife was shot, Matthew talked with the GBI again. Above Jessica, pinned to the wall, is a large black letter B for Boynton. Six months later, everything would changefor everyone. If that's what you want to do. Nearly four years later, questions persist about what happened to the young. If not, get on a plane and go HOME.". And neither is Will Sanders, the truck driver spearheading the drive to get justice for Jessica. Did investigators look for a blunt object? It entered at an upward leftward trajectory angle," said Sheila Mathews. Making his way outside, he calls for assistance over his radio. After Jones pushes the gun away from underneath Jessica's bodyplacing it inside the bedroom, he and Officer Josh Howell move Jessica from the closet to the bedroom floor next to the foot of her bed so that EMS can begin working on her. She loved me. And he said 'Yeah, we did.'". Chris DeMarco, GBIs assistant special agent in charge, arrives on the scene and meets with Griffin Police Chief Michael Yates for a briefing. GBI/Griffin Police Dept. Jessica Boynton | GBI changes information about evidence | 11alive.com provided images. The shooting occurred on the evening of April 14, 2016. GBI/Griffin Police Dept. Who shot Jessica Boynton? A new podcast investigates | 13newsnow.com This all follows a Georgia Bureau of Investigation case that ultimately ruled Lester had attempted suicide in April 2016. A key piece of evidence was photographed inside the kitchen after officers arrived on the scene. Clearly we touched a nerve in Griffin, but we're not about to be scared off. If someone from the GBI does not reopen this.. well, I have to get my ducks in a row before I open another huge can of worms.. Still lodged in Jessica's skull? in the head..in hospital for a month..just an FYI. "He said 'What's wrong? The notification was made following an April 15, 2016, shooting incident - ruled by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to be a suicide attempt - at the home of Jessica Boynton and her now-estranged husband, Griffin Police Department Officer Matthew Boynton. "It was determined that he knowingly provided a false statement relating to the property in question and his possession of (it)," Natale said in a release .l Center. "Her hands appeared to be pristine, but also he noted that she had no gunpowder burns.". Did he cause his estranged spouses injury? Until recently, Matthew's grandfather, Wendell Beam, reigned as Spalding County sheriff. They hoist her inside. We're going to be doing that to do touch DNA on the gun, and um, and why we're doing that is obviously one to corroborate everything that's what believed happened, and that way it also, it also eliminates the possibility of her family saying, you had something involved in this, or whatever, the GBI agent said to him. Matthew Boynton arrested | 11alive.com Who shot Jessica Boynton? A new podcast investigates - KSDK And I could have been the next target.. The chain of custody on that stuff is messed up. $5 plus $5 parking. "He told 911 that he was so worried and he was trying to get back to the house as fast as possible. "You know, you're trying to match up times of where he is getting these text messages or how he's responding to them, that he has to be in the kitchen. . A lot of times, what happens, especially if theyre involved in something very serious, they throw in the towel before it can go through the citys process of termination.. The shocking discovery comes when he shaves her head looking for bullet holes. the GBI agent posed a return question. Boynton in January denied being in possession of any of Lesters personal property. "He didn't know if her intent was to kill their child, kill him and then commit suicide," said Sheila. Moments later Matthew's fellow officers from the Griffin, Georgia Police Department arrive on scene with body-cameras recording. Meet at the Visitor Center. Jessica Boynton, once declared dead, is alive and talking. EMTs start carrying Jessica down the stairs on a backboard and click her into a gurney and swing open the ambulance doors. Well I couldn't get it for him because I couldn't get it out of his gun holster, she said. According to a press release issued by the Griffin Police Department, Boynton was on Friday arrested without incident and transported to the Spalding County Jail. It was determined that he knowingly provided a false statement relating to the property in question and his possession of (it), Natale said in a release.l Center. He was going to clean his gun and he asked me to go get it for him. If America is really a first-world country, it will enact legislation that takes this issue seriously, and fund more studies and programs to preventing domestic violence and identifying and protecting victims. Spalding County Sheriff Wendell Beam behind false death notification in He said the description of a self-inflicted gunshot wound didn't fit, noting her pristine and unmarked hands and calling it a very unusual direction in which to point the gun at one's self with the intention of committing suicide., First of all, the wound that she suffered was toward the vertex of her skull on the right side of her head; this would imply that she shot herself with a gun pointed downward near the top of her skull., The second most striking observation he said he made while assessing Jessica was neither of her hands had any evidence of any gunpowder stippling from gunpowder blowback.. If he's willing to cheat on his wife, he's willing to cheat the law., She wanted to file for divorce, says Kshywonis. Her head shaved. It was sitting out in the open, caught on police body-camera when cops kicked in the closet door. She said there were too many errors and discrepancies for her to have sent it. "He believed that the shots he heard fired were fired from his duty weapon," said Sheila Mathews, publisher of The Grip. Jessica Boynton, 19, was a stay-at-home mom to 8-month-old Tyler and 2-year-year old Tollin. Matthew met Jessica during her sophomore year of high school at open house in 2012. The ceiling fan circles on high speed. The agent continues to interview Matthew, who's wearing a red hoodie, asking him if the clothes he was wearing were the ones he was wearing the entire night. "I have occasional headaches, but other than that everything's good," Jessica Boynton said. "He tried to kill her.". Griffin Police officer Matthew Boynton cleared in wife's shooting, but Around 9 o'clock on the night of Thursday, April 14, 2016, Matthew Boynton calls a lieutenant on duty and reports Jessica is hitting him again. If you play with it a little bit, it's not hard.. With his gun raised, holding it out and in front of him with both hands, Jones passes by a framed portrait hung on the wall. I finally had the evidence that I needed that Matthew was cheating on me. Geez, im no cop , no investigator and know absolutely nothing on how investigations are even done but if the doctors say she wasnt shot what more do they need..that little punk got away with it.please tell me im missing a story and he has been arrested for the attempted murder of his wife.please.and please tell me that every stupid ass cop that had any involvement with this case is no longer a cop..oh and his Grandpa, well i think he needs a little jail rehabilitation as well..i could go on and on, but obviously they wouldnt understand anyway..what a disgrace to all REAL POLICE OFFICERS, https://the-grip.net/2016/10/18/gbi-completes-boynton-investigation-requested-by-gpd/ this says she was SHOT!!! Join our naturalist on a short walk and learn about the history of the once-prosperous town of High Falls. But it's what those body cameras don't record that's raising eyebrows. A text messages is sent to his phone from Jessica's phone. Its so obvious a coverup. "To help cover his tracks.". "That's the way we're gonna play this game, Sheila. Matthew's fellow officers try to shield him from the sight of his gravely injured wife. She's having suicidal thoughts," he calmly says about Jessica to the dispatcher. Jessica is also slinging allegations at Matthew's brothers in blue at the Griffin Police Department, and Matthew's grandfather Sheriff Wendell Beam. And that's all I needed, so I was on cloud nine.". This is not the first time I have had suicide thoughts. The next door neighbor interview was conducted after Matthew returned to full duty. She made a full recovery, but doesnt remember a thing. Jessica believes her suicide attempt was staged. "I don't really know what happened in the closet, I just know that I did not try to kill myself," said Jessica Boynton. Matthew sends another text to his girlfriend, a Spalding County dispatcher, Give me a few. I don't know, he said. Jones shouts as he travels deeper insidehis weapon drawn. Henderson said in the letter, that he did not believe that Jessica's head injury was the result of a gunshot wound, and furthermore, questioned how she got the injury at all. Who shot Jessica Boynton? A new podcast investigates | abc10.com - KXTV Dispatcher: Any weapons inside the house? Example video title will go here for this video. During my stay is when my personal belongings were taken and Matthew Boynton (3842) refuses to give them back, Lester stated. She thinks he found it before the incident. UPDATE: This story was originally published in November 2016. But the report and follow-up interviews with the lead investigator make the case as clear as mud to one reporter in the small town where it happened. Behind the closet door: Crime Watch Daily investigates the Jessica The baby's muffled cry echoes, getting louder as the officers sweep their guns back and forth, searching for the shooter. I would have said, 'I can't do this anymore, comma, take care of Tolin and Tyler, period.' This couldn't happen man. "And I talked to the guy and was like, 'Look man, you know, can you just be honest with me? And, the first officer on scene, as recorded by body cam footage, was not interviewed by the GBI for months after the incident. He said that she was so distraught that she was doubled over, and he said that she stood, closed the door in his face and then at that point he went ahead and left.". Despite Jessica Boynton's fiery allegations, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation closed her case, clearing Matthew to return to work. A lot, she said, doesn't add up. On something like this, does it usually take a while?, Right now it depends on what happens with Jessica, too. I didn't try to wash my hands, anything, because I knew GSR and all that would be involved.. Jessica's husband and high school sweetheart is Griffin Police Officer Matthew Boynton. When the officers pull Jessica's body out of the closet, they find Matthew's gun right underneath her, a .40-caliber Glock. I can't even get it out of its case, she replied. Chris DeMarco, GBI's assistant special agent in charge, arrives on the scene and meets with Griffin Police Chief Michael Yates for a briefing. I don't see anything that looks like high-velocity blood splatter or mist," said Miley. They're my everything. Here lately I have not been able to recognize the person I see in the mirror. I don't know if it's just his job or what, but like I said I don't think he would intentionally hurt me.. He asked her what she thought could've happened. He also reported hearing two gunshots and. "According to my interview with Griffin police chief, that second shot had to have been fired while the gun was either on the floor or almost on the floor very close to that wall.". The ceiling fan's light shines down on Jessica's eyes. But another heated argument goes down in the baby food aisle. He later tells investigators that he heard Tyler crying, and then, POP-POP!, Jones advises Matthew over the radio, Stay outside. I know that we got into an argument, but that's about all," she said, not remembering much of what had happened on April 15. Warner Bros. Entertainment | And their "War of the Roses" was about to explode. It appears it was self-inflicted. "Nobody ever asked him about why he changed clothes," said Sanders. "Matthew," said Jessica. Most of the cases that he would have made or would be involved in would also have, or should have, body worn camera video, car video, things of that nature, so the fact that his statement to us was compromised would not necessarily taint everything else. I was scared to death, because I couldnt find [Tyler]that she would shoot me, I mean shoot him, shoot me, and then kill herself.. "He stated that he was too frightened. A Griffin cop finally arrives to take Matthew's formal domestic violence complaint. Inside the closet they also discover Jessica's red "divorce diary." Investigators confirmed at least some of this evidence did belong to Lester, but along with questions regarding the chain of custody was the issue of whether the belongings were personal or community property. What Happened to Jessica Boynton? Grisly Truth Could Have Been Covered giving him custody, and granting Jessica once-weekly. Photos | Jessica and Matthew Boynton wedding. she asked. There was a question of what was and was not community marital property, so that took some doing to sort that out, also, Yates said, adding that many of the items reported as stolen including the clothing, computer and household items had been cited as community property during the couples divorce. Jessica, then-19, had just put her two young sons to bed and was getting her clothes ready in the closet for the next day. The panicked cop grabs his police radio and runs outside to make the frantic call to dispatch. The devil is in the details. Terms of Use | "Nobody would shoot themselves like this," said retired homicide detective Tim Miley. [] of this document: BREAKING NEWS: GPD Officer Matthew Boynton arrested, charged with two feloniesM Matthew Boynton: The evidence and investigation that led to his arrest Matthew Boynton criminal []. A text message is sent to his phone from Jessicas phone. And I could have been the next target.. Just one minute later, Matthewcalls 911, reaching Spalding County dispatch. Strangely, they never test her hands for gunshot residue. In any case GPD/GBI are an absolute embarrassment to the state of GA! So just one?" This is who he's sleeping with, points to the Facebook post that she says she was holding for Jessica for her divorce. Matthew reads a text from Lt. Curtis Keys, look for police car.. said Sheila Mathews. Her marriage had been crumbling, and she and her husband of six months Matthew Boynton, 20 . But according to Mathews, that was not the last number dialed, so it could not have just been a redial accidently called through the evidence bag. She's like a sister to me, Browning says, her voice quivering. Once the investigation was closed, reporter and publisher, Sheila Mathews, investigated the shooting for her newspaper, The Grip. Especially because of my children. He grabs his police radio from the kitchen counter and runs outside and makes a desperate call. Earlier that night Jessica's husband Matthew headed to Waffle House for a late-night bite with a fellow officer, leaving his service weapon, Jessica and his sleeping sons at home. The way our charter is structured, termination takes two or three days. Will Sanders also has questions about a crime scene photo showing Matthew's cellphone. Video shot outside in the parking lot shows Jessica getting in a black truck with Matthew and the kids, then leaving. "If he would have just been a regular person he would have been taken to jail," said Jessica. She alleged that many of Lesters belongings remained in Boyntons residence. It's like I tell them, they make it twice as bad because I'm a cop, Matthew said. The conversation bounces from officer to officer. But DeMarco insisted to Mathews during their phone conversation, that the timeline was not relevant. Agent DeMarco approaches Meagan Browning, who's joined by Eric Kshywonis, at 61 Ashford Waythe apartment just downstairs from Jessica and Matthew. (South Florida Sun Sentinel/TNS) The gun then landed underneath," said Tim Miley. Matthew makes it home and races to the breezeway of his apartment and enters, checks the master bedroom and bangs on the locked closet door. The agent asked her if she had ever held her husbands service weapon. A lot, she said, doesnt add up, especially since, she said, she had reason to live.