we need to get rid of the mental shackles that are still in our mind, making us to believe that other races are great and supreme than us!! The advent of the African Union (AU) can be described as an event of great magnitude in the institutional evolution of the continent. An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena. These are the reasons why each . The African Union has put a great deal of emphasis on promoting peace, security, and stability in Africa, including in its Agenda 2063 adopted in 2015. Especially with the world pushing for green tech and infrastructure, we have an edge at getting in on this as most of our infrastracture is new and some dont even have greenhouse gas emmiting infrastructure. The OAU was formed in 1963 when many African leaders wanted to accelerate the process of European decolonization and gain independence for a number of new nations. And dont think just because a leader stays for a long time that makes him or her a dictator our chiefs and Kings used to lead through out their lifetime , also queen Elizabeth for example she is still a leader up until today I dont see any one calling her a dictator. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, union members had median weekly earnings of $1,041, whereas nonunion members earned $829. Yes youre just doing your job; youve identified some of our challenges, and have given your expert opinion on why it wont work. The majority of people in the 13 states feared that a strong central government, such as the one they were fighting, might limit the freedom of the separate states. Since member states or countries have different official languages, it sometimes makes communication quite difficult. The African Union's democratic principles have gradually reduced corruption and unfair elections. https://www.thoughtco.com/african-union-definition-1434325 (accessed March 4, 2023). A trade union is an organisation which consists of members, including workers and union leaders who come together to protect and stimulate their common interests. This went against its own rule that bans coup leaders from occupying political office. Dont get me wrong Swahili should be learned to improve communication amongst us, but that should not come to undermine our own mother tongues. In the end of the day as much as Nigeria has its issues, I will always be proud of being Yoruba & Nigerian first then African second and their is nothing wrong with that. that can only be achieved by having a sense of pride within ourselves, and that means bieng one, so that whenever you see a black person, you see an african, and that infact happens in other countries outside africa, when they meet a black person, they dont see a Nigerian, they dont see a Kenyan, they dont see a Libyan,instead they see an AFRICAN. Djibouti, for instance, is strategically close to the Middle East and the Red Sea. Today, our difference is created because our identity was destroyed, the borders divided us. Linguistic history of India Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linguistic_history_of_India. Required fields are marked *. It is nonsense that I have to learn German or French to work in laters countries. Just Eat is an online platform dedicated to the intermediation between restaurants and consumers in the takeaway food service. They ranged from adequately funding the African Standby Force for deployment, to stopping rebels or insurgents and their backers from accessing weapons. At a young age, we have been taught to never put our heads down in front of anyone even when facing death. Constricting everyone into a single mode of economic reasoning would be inhumane as much as it would be, chaotic. However, a french or German just needs to learn English to work in Africa. 0. disadvantages of african union. AU observer missions are now sent as a matter of routine to cover elections in all member states, in accordance with the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (2007). The fight to determine Angolas political future soon became a proxy war, meaning the war involved many countries (US, South Africa, Cuba, and the USSR), and thrusted Angola onto the global stage as a major front. Therefore, he or she might refuse to pass laws that are too liberal or conservative in order to keep the moderates happy. It does not tolerate inhumane acts such as genocide, war crimes, and terrorism. I disagree with the author of the article about India. This would make sure that our future generations dont mix this up at the airport when travelling or other events that may require you nationality. The statutes determining the functions, powers, composition and organization of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council have been prepared and will be submitted to Maputo Summit. The African Union can intervene militarily and has sent peacekeeping troops to alleviate political and social disorder in places like Darfur (Sudan), Somalia, Burundi, and Comoros. When all three of these areas share the same party and same views, laws will be more easily agreed on, thus they will be passed quicker. The African Union is one of the world 's most dominant intergovernmental operations. Advantages And Disadvantages Of The African Union | ipl.org The second reason is that many are internal, arising from the grievances citizens have with their governments. Now how about listing the commonalities and framing our difference as our strength. That was the mantra back then and it is the mantra today. The CommissionComposed of the Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson, eight Commissioners and Staff members; Each Commissioner shall be responsible for a portfolio. I will rather fight for my own language (Nguni) to be respected than adopt Swahili as an official language. Outsiders continue to take advantage of Africa like their playing ground. Majority being Nigeria ethiopia egypt Drc south africa kenya and Tanzania. Ordinary people can also provide vital information to early warning systems. The advantages of African traditional education include passing on of essential values from the community as well as defining the roles of both boys and girls distinctly. Internal conflicts would be brought about but by rotating leadership with a period of a year for every countries best interest and using federalism this subsides. Anyway this is a great idea .lets take an example of a chain.its made strong by sub pieces together.bit when it was one,it was the weakest. INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENERGY (Energy, Transport, Communications, Infrastructure and Tourism)4. An African Union passport may exist one day. Can South Africans Depend on the 2020 Budget for Property Rights and Freedom? And thinking like that is the reason why your continent will always be a shithole. The AU now pays more attention to international development cooperation and relationship with international partners than has hitherto been the case. The pledge was followed by the adoption in 2016 of the Lusaka Road Map to end conflict by 2020. You wont need to worry about regional ethnic differences . I think when you point and label some one as a dictator their is much to look at other than that. I understand that inorder to recreate new structures we have to destroy existing ones and every one who prides themselves of their color and heritage will not be afraid of what will happen next. Espresso vs Coffee: What Are the Differences? A confederation is a loose association, rather than a firm union, of states. UNECA estimates that AfCFTA will boost intra-African trade by 52.3% once import duties and non-tariff barriers are eliminated. Tanzania's refusal to sign the EPA has obvious implications for the regional integration process. The upshot of such discourse shows that colonialism has divergent interpretations. It receives aid from countries around the world to deliver on its promises of peace and health for all Africans. African are hungry of leadership as this professional doesnt require age and qualifications.we are very selfish.If we stop all above mentioned factors, Africa can unite. State and non-state actors in Africa waged about 630 armed conflicts between 1990 and 2015. The rest will inevitably change one way or the other. Due to the political chaos that ensued after the Portuguese left and gave up their claim on Angola, the nation was convulsed by a violent civil war. UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL!! Together we are able to come up with solutions to our problems. Im Nigerian and agree with the article. Its not fair and not right, people need to realize you fix your own back yard before you fix others. disadvantages of african union. I agree that each country should work on their issues before they think of fixing others problem, but as I said before problems never end we might fix this and something else will always pop out to fill the void .Look at America for example, it has lots of problems for racism and police brutality and so may others but that doesnt limit them from donating and helping other countries and I think if we join we have a chance to solve these problem together some of African countries are facing problems that other African countries seem to have been able to solve them. Unrealistic goals and ambitions set by African leaders. A United States of Africa is a disastrous idea. The AU has clearly had reasonable achievements through its direct contribution and partnership with the international body to resolving and decreasing conflicts in some of the regions hotbeds. The efforts to silence the guns has been singularly ineffective. It is dedicated to giving strength to people centred within the Union through active communication of the programmes of the African Union, the branding of the Union and engagement of Member States and other stakeholders in defining and performing the African agenda. Africa is rich in natural resources that we can use to benefit ourselves and better our lives Different tribes have specific attitudes toward the economy. Think of it, we have it all here, including diamonds, gold, oil and gas. It hopes to have a single currency, like the euro, by 2023. African countries gain economically from hosting foreign military bases. Poverty is still a tremendous problem. We need united states of Africa, if Africa has to move from its current position, we need A myriad of non-tariff barriers to cross-border trade, characterised chiefly by long delays at border crossings and legal and illegal payments which increase transaction costs, is a major obstacle to expansion of intra-African trade. The numbers are going up via bilateral agreements between African states and foreign governments. Disadvantages of Unions on Company Culture - UnionProof Advantages And Disadvantages Of Trade Unions In South Africa 1714 Words7 Pages A trade union is an organisation which consists of members, including workers and union leaders who come together to protect and stimulate their common interests. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. During this time, Angolas lifestyle and political structure was changed dramatically. The thirteen states included: Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, Maryland, Massachusetts, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Rhode Island. The last AU summit failed to agree on the adoption of a continent-wide trade proposal, but awareness of the importance of trade barriers for economic growth is not lost as a development priority seeing that theme of the 19th summit, 9-16 July 2012, is Boosting intra-Africa trade. imagine if those two were in charge of the continent, Africa would have been world war Z by now, There is many things to say but I will end it with saying that I do agree with african countries coming together economically when it comes to trade and doing business with each other so it can help the natives in the end of the day, which is happening BUT I dont agree with a view to turn countries into states and make a continent into one country where there is a risk of a dictator like Gaddafi and internal issues spreading externally into other countries just to force this idealistic mindset down peoples throats to make people think like one. Albinos are great because of us why can we also be great because of ourselvies(pan-africanist signing out). iam a kenyan and i think youve just locked your mind to think that the U.S.A wont work.youve just revolved around one problem in diffrent forms.you should also have consindered the benefits of the unison rather than the downsides.the issue of tribes should also not be the seperating factor.and even though we speak diffrently we are one people. Some of these RECs, such as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the East African Community (EAC) and the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), have been quite active in exploring possibilities to harmonize budgetary and fiscal policies and for a monetary union on the basis of a common currency. You are spoiling our hope. Wish some great black minds can come together for this. That is the job of an analyst. They did this so that we dont unite and adopt their languages. The distrust among members comes normally as a result of differences in political ideologies. The document outlined 54 practical steps that needed to be taken. High and still rising levels of unemployment among young people in Africa prompted heads of state at the AUsummit in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, last June to adopt a Declaration on Creating Employment for Accelerating Youth Development and Empowerment. To be honest, all Africans should be willing to give up something for the sake of unification. PEACE AND SECURITY (Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution, and Combating Terrorism)2. The headquarters of the African Union is in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.