But unfortunately, Big Tech doesnt want us to. I am glad I am not the only one who has noticed this trend lately. Even if they use a purple clown. Speaking on the subject of underrepresentation of Latinos in advertising, heres what makes it even worse. I do not need to go outside in my front yard and scream to the world I AM GAY!!! #HockeyIsForEveryone #NHLPride, Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) November 22, 2022. And based themselves within Columbia University in NY. Im of the belief that our brains wont simply rewire from group and gather tendencies, no matter how hard we try. These cookies allow us to improve the sites functionality by tracking usage on this website. The sad part is, as you said, seeing this absurd over-representation of black people day in and day out begins to do more than just annoy after a while. I blame them for many of societys ills. Ad industry publications such as Ad Age and Adweek and Digiday cheerlead for it. Not only are advertisements being infiltrated by blacks, but remakes of movies putting in blacks where whites use to be. Hi, Dave. Do you feel as though youve allowed yourself to be reprogrammed or conditioned to feel like youre going down the race rabbit hole? One pet gripe that I have is seeing non-whites portray white people (for reasons of inclusion) in plays and films. Very clear & accurate message!! Glad you found us, Kristen. The home security ads all show white male burglars. If more ad people want to be activists, this idiocy of Progression will ALWAYS INCREASE because the ACTIVISTS need JOBS! I, for one, really appreciate your post, and might suggest that in todays political climate youre not as socially far left as you think. Great post, Kallock! In Opinion: Survey Says: Americans Are Dumber Than a Bag of Rocks, writer Jim Thompson cites a study that shows just how out of whack peoples perceptions are regarding the size of different populations by income, race, religion, gender identity, and more all due to the agenda-driven programming we are being force-fed on TV. All of the Big Tech companies are woke, and Microsoft goes out of its way to make its politics obvious. But to look at these commercials youd think that 90% of the country was black and theyre only casting commercials to reflect the demographics. Retail Media Networks: A Forced Marriage or Perfect Partnership? Five corporate approved pieces of signage in lobby. To a black person, diversity means adding black people. Thanks again for writing and good luck landing some auditions. I completely agree with everything in the article. For example, Sprite is popular with blacks and has been since the 90s when the companys marketing tapped into hip-hop and sports culture. Gay couples have no business in shows aimed at three year olds. But leave me out of it. Forced Diversity is a buzzword thrown by bigots to rationalize critiques against works featuring diverse people on the merit that diverse people make a work "worse." Even the HIV medicine ads show two gay black guys. I agree with the commenter who said Maybe use no actors, there are some out there that are well made and entertaining.. Its been part of this country for 200 years even Lincoln first proposed sending blacks back across the water but decided not to because it was going to be too expensive. I doubt most have a problem with people of different backgrounds being represented. It should be degrading them as it totally erases their culture and transforms them into white culture. I am sure you are speaking tongue in cheek, Kirk, but, the world being as it is, I have to go on record as saying that I dont condone any violence. We all are being subjected to a new society. I just want to know where are all these Black men that spend their days doing laundry, washing floors and cooking. Activism has become a LUCRATIVE CAREER. 8. But if you are willing to stick your neck out a little further and tell them exactly whats on your mind, you might consider writing them a thoughtful email. These fatherless children become bitter adults that seem to want to exact their revenge now through these various culture and media outlooks, but sadly this perpetuates the cycleAll the while deteriorating a consumer landscape that has less money, less confidence, less curiosity, lower critical thinking skills, less innovation and less resilience when confronted with challenges and uncomfortable topics. All they are doing is checking a box on the inclusivity inventory checklist. He may be referring to an ordinance passed by politicians in San Francisco that allows shoplifters to steal up to a thousand dollars worth of merchandise (I think thats the amount) without being arrested. Tell me how many national product ads meet that mix? Now, it's an ad, and in the end it doesn't matter, however, I feel this forced diversity does impact some aspects of media. Look at the movies now. I could not agree more with what you have written. So its actually had the opposite effect that the companies are going for. Everybody knows black people dont go hiking in Sedona and the Grand Canyon and go skiing and mountain biking and four wheeling, and their households never look like the ones on TV theyre filthy and full of rage and violence thats where their kids learn it and grow up to be criminals! Is this some sort of mad over-correction from that year when someone noticed that there were no black actors or movies nominated for the Oscars? The BLM movement really made an impact on the American psyche. The reaction by brands and advertisers to George Floyd and the BLM movement has been misguided, disingenuous, and, as you say, laughably transparent. The only time I saw a woman with my body type, it was a prescription medicine ad, the actress was Black, and she was power-walking and doing healthy activities to lose weight. Or they have a political agenda better served by a belief there are more minorities. There are certain areas of Norwich which have pockets of concentrated areas of Eastern European people and pockets of concentrated Asian and Indian communities who mostly work for and live near an NHS hospital and some who drive taxies, so unless I need to see a doctor or hire a taxi I dont usually come into contact with anyone other than a regular white UK person. Its the far left wing radical idiots that want to appease people of color. I am not the only person noticing all this. Sometimes it is important to intentionally choose a diverse group, but keep the balance so you dont color-wash your efforts. But almost every day, we see videos of people brazenly walking in a store or walking up to someone on a sidewalk and just taking whatever the hell they want and walking off with it. White men. In England now this also the norm, where the percentage of black people is less than America. Making a conscious effort to include diversity does not need to be an act of tokenism; rather, it can demonstrate a commitment to equality and fairness within your brand. I think many of us would agree that it does none of us any good for advertisers to continue to push such silly and unrealistic representations of people of different races. Correct. How many rainbow-colored logos did you see in June? People are starting to hate them. Ignore the diversity on tv, its a bunch of nonsense. . Our culture now is for everyone to whine and fight anonymously online against each other whether its based on race, gender, age (those damn millennials), sexuality, etc. I understand these ad people are maybe trying to achieve some kind of authenticity and will always try to protect themselves by claiming their ads are aspirational i.e. After all white men have been portrayed as stupid do nothing without the help of the wife in Sitcoms for years, to the point I stopped watching such nonsense. Blacks are slowly and methodically destroying this country theyve already poisoned the minds of all of our kids. 5% are other religions. Rachel Montague, Gourmet Services, Inc. Its all well and good to proclaim a desire for diversity, but companies need to be careful they arent treating it flippantly, because their audience will see right through it. Admittedly Im going off of anecdotal evidence, but it seems almost every interracial couple in commercials is black-not black (usually black-white), with the bare minimum being black-not black. I grew up in a Texas County with a 62% black population. It should be noted that a new diversity index in the Census has some claiming that white people are undercounted.). To your point, I ran across a study while doing research for this post that showed that despite enjoying far more representation in television ads than other minority races, blacks were also the group that thought they should be seeing much MORE of themselves in commercials by a wide margin. And luxury car commercials. Remember that 70% of the US population openly practices Christian traditions. I would assume Deltas passenger mix is about 40% white male today. Awakening normies are providing me with much merriment. NAACP, BLM, George Soros, Antifa, stupid jock groupies, affirmative action laws. The overall ethnic skew of the marketing/advertising . That think our lives are for their amusement and manipulation. Yes, equity is paramount and we marketers should all strive to achieve it. Excellent post, G. Youve been paying attention! I never use this word about Disney that Im about to because my mother taught me that it was a disgusting sexually connotated word that a lady would never say but you know, Disney SUCKS!!!! What Works For Diversity And What Doesn't? I just turn the sound down and walk out of the room. In this case, the (usual) bufoonery of whites, and minimization of their possibly being interesting, cool, and family centered anymore. Lets not reduce the dignity of humans with dark skin to that mindset. But even worse is what went on before, during, and after the three matches Serena Williams played. Lacking strong men, governments can more easily control compliant populaces and feminists can get closer to achieving their dreams of taking down the patriarchy.. Thank you! The same has been for blacks since 1960. They refuse to think critically for themselves; they just believe what theyre told. No, but they see opportunities to work with the Marxists who are also only interested in their own enhancement. But the people behind the ads are all for this. They are owners and CEOs of major corporations and professors at prestigious universities. Its the only effect Ive personally seen. . Is it any wonder there is less racial harmony now? Political leaders on both sides of the aisle continue to enrich themselves while we pay the price, war is big money and it is used as a distraction from from the things that are usually going on right under our noses. . Ive read that White male commercial actors are being dropped by Agents or not being able to secure representation because the employment opportunities for them are dwindling to almost nothing. Youre right, Ace the majority of brands are so aggravating and obnoxious that a lot of us are cutting the cord. Next time, bring an actual argument or shut it, please. John, you are absolutely right. Ill remind myself you said that the next time Facebook refuses to let me advertise this post due to what they have deemed inflammatory content.. Research: How Companies Committed to Diverse Hiring Still Fail I plan on leaving the USA, if my husband and I have kids I dont see a promising future here for White children. Check out this childrens cereal from Kelloggs, the box of which encourages young kids to choose their pronouns or even make up their own. In the 1930s, the big movies studios often promoted effeminate men as their leadsDavid Manners Leslie Howard. Overcasting Black folks is simply an effort to keep themselves employed. Not sure what the solution is. Thanks to the Cranky one for putting this out there. Not cancel culture. Who would we need to contact to bring this to their attention? You pretty much have to go to the outdoors/hunting/fishing channels for that. Even a black president did not expiate the sin. I dont own slaves and neither did any of my ancestors (poor immigrants). It has actually made me racist somewhat. LGBQT. Its gotten to the point where you never see a smart white male in a television commercial. White people are the worst and everyone else is better. You can use polls, surveys and other review processes to ensure that the groups you are representing relate to and approve of your messaging. I am truly sorry for what people of color had to endure throughout early American history but white people today had nothing to do with what happened 100, 200 years ago. There was a poll released recently that found that nearly a third of the American population felt that they would have to take up arms against the government (ironically, I post this on July 4th). And youre right. It has gotten so predictable now that if you see a white face in a commercial, it is almost automatic that the next face you will see is that of a black person. If I lived in Pakistan, I wouldnt expect Christmas decorations to have equal weight with Ramadan. Send him your thoughts. Interesting observations, Linda. I agree. While I agree with most of the above comments, I feel the old mantra comes to mind follow the money.. The female chromosome is XX, the male is XY. (Wouldnt that actually be misappropriation? So confusing.) If we are somehow suddenly expecting the world of advertising to be fair, balanced, and perfectly representing the ugly masses.. well, thats not going to happen and never has. The original tweet: The NHL is proud to support this past weekends Team Trans Draft Tournament in Middleton, Wisconsin. You make some good points, Don. Instilling diversity as a value and solidifying it through an appropriate vision and mission statement will ensure that its imbued in a companys ethos. And if the definition of racist necessarily requires holding a position of power, then tell me who has power over the hearts and minds of our kids en masse through public institutions and entertainment propaganda: A. rappers, celebrities, certain unnamed conglomerates who happen to operate a HUGE segment of childrens programming, et all? Im not a writer and cant articulate the story like you did. Not so much. just non-existent, unless shes a messy haired buffoon being dumb and not realizing her detergent is mostly all water and so does not work as well as Tide. Together, these groups now account for 24.7 percent of the U.S. population, yet they do not appear in anywhere near 24.7 percent of the advertising. I also notice that when there are white people in commercials with blacks very often the black people look good, trim, sharp, intelligent and the whites look scraggly, dorky, fat, dumpy. Most every person shown now has black or brown skin. The culture is rife with this stuff now . Let's talk about forced diversity in TV commercials People of color in commercials usually do not get my attention and I do not buy their products. Its so absurd and annoying. . You may have missed my point. I boycott all these companies with their PC bull****. If they succeed in overthrowing the Constitution and establishing the communist hellhole they are aiming for, they will be the first ones murdered by the new tyrants. Yes, but if that group is grossly over represented in commercials, then white folk may think -hey, they be don ok now!..and we tknow their not. This is NOT the same country and society it was 60 years ago. lol. We have all forgotten that the fall of the Roman Empire, and every great civilization that has risen and fallen, was the result of sexual deviation and perversion. I used to vote Democrat.but now, I would never vote for one again. Maybe, we should all stop buying products from any of these companies that use these tactics and the governments now need to intervene to stop this escalating further as this will cause issues, Yeah, I understand things are as bad or worse in the UK, Ian. are there no non-black actors applying for a paying gig to be in Gain commercials? One of the best ways to portray diversity in your marketing is to use real customers and . The reason they look so out of place is not because POC dont enjoy a good hike. All combos you can think of. I read that 3.9% of the US population intermarry. I closed it down soon after I closed down my business. CTV Advertising Means Diversity. What happened to ALL the white people in ads. Hes worried about missing his bubble bath and pedicure. Diversity in Advertising: Where Are We Now? - ClickGUARD Id like to blackball every company stuffing this crap down my throat but where would I go. Were being lied to on an epic scale and if you look at who is in on it there are not a lot of other possible explanations. I think everyone is a little sick of that. This is classic social engineering via Madison Ave. They are members of congress, secretaries of state, vice president of the US and even a black President of the US. 3. Have people from those groups get involved in developing and reviewing the content you plan to use. All told, falsely advertising diversity ends up supporting racism. Which speaks directly to your point about this country and society being dramatically different than they were 60 years ago. These are proven statistics. What would happen if brands and advertisers not only hired diverse casts of actors, but also created ads that recognized and respected our cultural differences, the unique things that make us special? On the topic of authenticity: In my research for this blog post, I happened across an article from the UK on how some advertisers have faced a backlash for tokenism that is, running ads filled with white actors and checking the diversity box by including one single member of another race or ethnic group. Walk down a jetway at Hartsfield or any airport. For more information about this processing of personal data, check our Privacy and Cookie Policy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boy Its not just every commercial break; its nearly every commercial now where white people are put in secondary or subordinate roles, white men are made out to be idiots and buffoons, and black people are universally portrayed as the smart, sensible, successful role models everyone else looks up to. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncle (no picture! I just think you dont like being manipulated. Just sick of all the whining. It requires focus and a deep, longstanding commitment. It feels forced, obvious and its now constantly shoved in our face. I love how she justifies her paycheck. Certainly, hockey is expensive. Thanks, Kinchan. Marija Zivanovic-Smith, NCR Corporation, 2. Actually, I was being a bit sarcastic. And it is not just advertising. Why is every commercial have blacks and gay people and interracial marriages. It is actually quite embarrassing. Agreed, Dave. I find all this whining about representation laughable; Im half Mexican and Syrian and Filipino on the other side.where was my representation when I was a kid? Your comment reminds me of what I used to hear some 15-20 years ago, about how damaging negative stereotypes in media can be. I like you already, Cathi! Over the past few months, its been out of control. It is self preservation! If you dont like what youre seeing from the brands that want your business, the best way to let them know is to contact them and tell them how you feel. 20 years from now, maybe it will be down to 30% white male. colorful. I do NOT watch any commercials anymore. Since these people believe they are beyond Good and Evil, and the rest of us need to be reduced to savage beasts. Make this madness come to a quick stop. To be honest, I feel more badly for any black people watching this crap. For example, the black kids who beat up the conscientious black student at school for acting white.. The ridiculously engineered commercials with a majority of blacks in unrealistic situations is something the American people will ultimately reject at some point. Its my belief that all these things are doing harm and serious damage and just pissing people off even more. Even more than Limu Emu and Doug do. I once attended a womens networking event that featured the male mayor of the city as its keynote speaker. Microsoft censors 80% of my posts replying/responding to obvious left leaning readers/posters trying to give my conservative opinion/side & they constantly censor me. This trend is NOT about money. . Fathers Day is just around the corner so maybe you will see some realistic commercials this year but I doubt it. Indeed. they are letting you know what they desire for the future, what is good and what is bad White family bad so plain to see. READ IT!! A bleakness akin to socialism. Diversity for diversitys sake has never been a good thing. November 2021. We all get that the world is changing, that Americas demographics are changing. The problem is look at the actual news. Quite maddening, but not surprising since the vast majority of commercial advertising is mostly devoid of creativity. The target demo is never the minority actors depicted in ads. This gap is both unsettling and unacceptable to most of today's consumers. Communications, PR, public affairs & media relations executives from Forbes Communications Council share firsthand insights. When exactly does a human thing become a black or white thing? Think about the inherent diversity of your end consumers and work backward. Constructive feedback and criticism is the way to make your voice heard and hopefully get someones attention. Having Expectations to achieve as much as possible with persistence in spite of the obstacles and the snags that life presents. Without a doubt, traditional (read: European, white, Christian) values are under attack and the war is now out in the open. Good lord its so offensive. The Importance of Diversity in Advertising | Creating Results Also, they rarely riot and burn down cities. for the winter. CBS has publicly stated that its reality shows will feature 50% non-white participants. But I am still trying to work in my mind why advertisers, particularly the advertising companies, are such willing participants (I understand why certain multinational corporations are pushing these agendas). Would love to hear from others about this. Have you also noticed that the majority of the commercials now have rap and hip hop in the background and are portraying things towards kids like the Kool-Aid guy wearing a gold chain and doing rap or hip hop? This was a sheep in lions clothing for the blacks, the greatest giveaway and dumbing down in history. Its got to the point that when these adverts appear I have to censor them if my impressionable kids are watching as they think if its a TV advert it must be true. Its so stupid. Or maybe its revenge for all that egregious mansplaining Ive heard so much about. Once the Romans went down that path their society began to fail. Failure to represent diversity in your advertising may even send a message to your consumers that you only value the business of certain groups. I have noticed this myself the last year and is more prevalent the last 6 mos. There seems to be a concerted effort among companies to replace white people with black. Corporations ran the world and kept people controlled with mindless TV as one mechanism. White men are portrayed as imbeciles, weak, and foolish. Your example is awfully specific. Black people are seeing themselves everywhere which may strike a few of them as odd, as if white corporate America is shamelessly pandering to them but any warm fuzzies this may bring are likely negated by the fact that blacks in commercials behave just like white people. Being neutral isnt going to change anything. Get pregnant, get free insurance, get food stamps and sell them 0.50 on the dollar. 100% agree with your perspective. I probably wont find it because, as you say, there are many forces at work here. According to a diversity study by the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (2018), ethnic diversity within UK advertisement agencies is at its "highest recorded level". I download free movie torrents, many 50s to 70s westerns. The other problem is that all of these ads showing black people arent really representative of black people at all. This is the greatest country on earth !! Portrayed white women, and men and women of color. If you truly want to be disgusted read about them a bit. In the UK you notice plenty of Indian/Arab + White couples. Listen I know she is one of the best players ever, and I know this might be her last professional appearance. This has been decades in the making, and has been very subtle and well planned. It creates the mentality of entitlement. And the viewers are being insulted. All rights reserved. These schemes absolutely have a shelf life and we are at the end of ours. Dont allow our media to control who should or should not be placed on a pedestal. Bad media of any type hurts the creator just as much as it does the audience. I am so sick of this bullshit diversity. If you watch commercials for Apple, Coke, Lexus, beer, etc youll roughly see 60%+ black, 10% Hispanic, 10% Asian, 10% white (female), 5% white (male/bumbling/background character), 5% other. And I have lots of hypotheses on why but have yet to finalize my theory. I dont think anyone has a problem with brands catering to their customers or trying to gain traction with new demographics. Ive been retired for a year now and watch more TV than I have in a while and I thought the same thing. Ive been in the brand/marketing/creative realm for over a decade and am really surprised at the overtness of this trend, while looking for photo stock. I have been digging into the people behind this for nearly three years now, trying to understand who they are and what their plans are, and the phrase truth is stranger than fiction doesnt even begin to describe it. The list goes on and on, Maria this, Carlos that. That is how I deal. I noticed that as well about the lack of mention of race in news articles about crimes committed. Holly Chessman, GlowTouch Technologies, If your communication aims to connect with a diverse demographic or subculture, make sure the messenger reflects that target. We are circling the openings to some pretty deep rabbit holes here, but I do think more and more people are starting to catch on. While interracial marriages are certainly more common now than they were in the past, I see very few black-white couples in the real world. And naturally I notice make up ads, clothing designers and culturally similar ads that represent people like me. (Facebook Advertising) 9. The advertising world has long lagged in diversity, but some agencies Even more so with people of color!! I see nothing but brown skin and brown hair from blacks to Asians, to Hispanics. Well before this subject matter was put forward, I had wanted to send Rob a private email about this (and regarding the pussifaction [excuse my terminology]) about this subject. I feel advertising should be proportionate with the population. Sadly I work for a large corporation and for self preservation reasons do not feel comfortable divulging my identity, given that todays social justice warriors will label anyone who even remotely disagrees with their world view as an -ist or a -phobe and will make it their lifes ambition to get said person fired. Nowadays, however, a lot of this women-and-minorities-everywhere-at-the-exclusion-of-white-males is over-the-top pandering at best. Is it just me, or is the world falling apart? The immigrants will be so happy to be free and have a chance at Western lives that they will vote for the liberals who bussed/planed/sailed them in. Current science says the exact opposite, and more and more people are getting on the bandwagon with low carb diets + fasting until lunch to experience weight loss and better overall health ( me, reversed diabetes and down 60 lbs so far). Its there, its part of our history, its part of who we are. so we dont realize how were the cattle. I cant believe I found this article having recognized the basis of your article for years. factswhich the left say is RACISM and they hate facts: A rudimentary familiarity with basic crime statistics would open a lot of peoples eyes, if they werent so farking stupid. . Im glad you found some catharsis in this blog post and in the reader comments. Are they implying 3% of their passengers are white, straight males? This is the new WOKE CULTURE we are dealing with right now. unless he is placed beside a Nubian Goddess as his love interest or something. I am so sick of seeing this. Wokeness is not fixing our world or ridding it of inequality; its lighting the fuse on a whole set of new problems, some of which look uncomfortably like our old ones. Its okay to say what you really think, even if they would have you believe otherwise. I also firmly believe my feedback would get screened out by a cube dwelling liberal. There is no hard and fast rule for diversity. This is a horrible world we live in. Thats why Im voting for the D. Thats the political mentality of so many of us. Boy.. America lost its spine. They are governors or lieutenant governors. I feel like someone is trying to brainwash America. Forced diversity in marketing is often obvious and occasionally offensive. Fake green and inclusion narratives? More blacks than anything on every commercial.