O quizs, se aquel nio que vivi el qu en verdad, le ensee lo que es vivir sin salir de su oscuridad. Draco paled at how easily Black talked about killing people. They were his greatest secret! I will permanently change the shape of this particular scar. The figure did not move, but the stone next to him began to boil. Lucius supposed he was the most curious, since he would have his own bone runes soon. It wasnt safe simply because of who my parents are. When Rabastan feeds magic into the runes,// he paused as Lestrange did so, //they show through the skin. Can you feel it now, Dudley? I think you broke your new friend, arwr. "Blindness" is the best harry potter fanfiction I've ever read, and one of the . The Lestranges are Welsh, and Rabastan taught me the language while I was with the Dementors last summer. Snape gave them an appraising look. Harry returns from the maze with no memory of the new scar on his arm. Torture was to kind to be his fate. The Malfoy boy sat on the scarred ones right in an instinctive maneuver. Ill bind the whole thing to me with my own blood. Rabastan, however, had a look of shock on his face. You have so much more now. When Alexandria Gregory turned 18, she met her mate and that is Azrael Shepherd, the Alpha of her rival pack. Eyes still closed, Hadrian told a deep shuddering breath and opened his mouth, but his voice caught in his throat. Even into yours, Severus? The boy was the perfect weapon, and Albus needed him back under his control. //If you value our alliance and your life, you will never call me boy again. He wondered at the lightning-quick flash of distress he felt from the boy. I find boasting vulgar and distasteful, so you may be assured that I speak the truth about my power. The Bone Mans mental presence was amused again. When the Dark Lord killed my parents, Dumbledore sent me to live with my last living blood relatives. The piercing gaze, however, was all Hadrians. Lady Voldemort, daughter of Merope Gaunt and Tom Riddle, ventures into Godric's Hollow on Halloween Evening, 1981. You are his hero, after all. If it works right, it should never channel magic for anyone else but me.// Hadrian paused, then continued hesitantly, //My Lord, I would ask a favor of you.//. I mean come on lets be real here and undoubtedly its already a mature fic. The Dark Lord has named either an equal or second only to himself.. Their marks were in the shape of the Gemini constellation, too, but on their shoulders: left for Fred, right for George. So Im only a guest to you? He closed his eyes, and his skin began to glow faintly green, like the Killing Curse. However, the Harry they find is far different from the one they expected. Would you like to continue the introduction now or later? Harry thought for a moment. He rose with a graceful movement to stand. He knew the Dark Lord planned to Mark him and give him a task, but he didnt want that. Not in front of my Death Eaters. Hadrian was fearless and crazier than him. We both needed to grow and learn more. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. He could be casual when his little minions werent watching, after all. There, he heard about Siriuss will. Have you finished your project?. We will talk more after breakfast. Hadrian had grown close to the Dark Lord recently. Make Lucius swear the oath,// he said casually, hopping down from the desk and tossing off his robe. I do believe you can keep your wand to yourself.. I understand that you will be wary of meeting someone who will not reveal his identity. Theyre our ironic little nicknames for each other. Though, she has always been somewhateagerfor his attention.. When the black orbs met his grey ones, Lucius was reminded strongly of a quote from a Muggle philosopher. When Voldemort had questioned him later, Hadrian had confirmed that he had indeed been in all of their minds, over fifty people altogether. He appeared on a rock rising from the sea, immediately chilled to the bone by the wind and spray. But then Nott caught his eye, and the illusion was gone. Armed with the Infinity gauntlet and its gems, he sets out across the Marvel universe, kicking names and taking ass. With a quick flick of the wrist, he locked the doors and warded the room. The Light thinks he is dead. There would be no point in checking, as the goblins will not allow anyone with a false claim to become Lord. Albus gave a sad smile, though he was seething inside. //I shall go and greet Fred and George. Frantically, he threw up his strongest Occlumency shields. Or their friends, for the most part.Honestly, trying to keep up was exhausting. Harry stared down at his bleeding hand, the words "I must not tell lies" dripping down his skin in blood-red liquid. He cant really hide anything when youre in his head, and he already knows you were Harry Potter., But, the other said, turning his gaze to Rabastan, if you hurt him or betray him in any way, shape, or form, we will hunt you down and kill you in a way that would make the Bone Man sick to his stomach., You could try, Hadrian muttered under his breath. Then there was this man, the Bone Man, who had rescued his Horcrux from Potter himself! None of the Inner Circle could hear his words. I hope Rodolphus agrees. As they left the breakfast room, Lucius sent an elf to fetch Draco as Lord Black had requested. It had just one line, Bones for the Bone Man, and his Bone-Sign. The Dark Lord flopped into his chair in a surprisingly ungraceful movement. Shoulder blades are good, or I can wrap it around any large bone., I like the constellation idea, Draco answered. The adult Dementor moved away to the darkest corner of the room as Hadrian began to chant in Latin. Of course, dihiryn. I made you my son because I love you, and I will only ever love you. He wiped away the single tear that rolled down Hadrian cheek as he felt the presence ease back into his mind. Remove glamours? A single difference could change everything, a drop of water upon calm surfaces. I wouldnt feel right, making him hide something important from you, Lord Malfoy.//. "Death""You are finally ready, I see""Ready for what? Shall I show you my true self, the one you helped create? Hadrian let his runes show through, bringing life to the Bone Man. I see. These feelings however, do not carry over to the dead. So hes Lord Black now? gasped Molly Weasley. The man sighed, but did not bother to fight it. Slytherin Loner by Dark Avarice reviews Harry Potter is not the boy who lived, but when he runs away from the abusive Dursley's his life seems to improve. Like father, like son, I suppose. Harry Potter is dead now, thanks to the goblins of Gringotts. I doubt there is a force on earth that could keep the Bone Man out. What is that supposed to mean? My faithful, this is the Bone Man. In between the dangerous, obsessive masquerade that two boys with crow black hair danced with each other, the untold stories of those around them stay silent and overlooked. Please consider turning it on! Its a completely different way of communicating. It was to the loudest grumbler that Harry directed his attention. My Lord, would you mind terribly not doing that?//. //Thank you. If you will fetch your prisoner, I will meet you in the rose garden.// Not allowing the older man time to respond, Harry replaced his hood and left the room on silent feet. A moment later, both runes turned black. With your Dark Mark, there are a number of spell woven into it, and thats why its so large and bothersome to hide. This is why no one will recognize you? Hadrian tensed but did not pull away. I still have the holly wand, if you want it.//. It is not one of the soul pieces you are thinking of, either. Sentio inedia - feel starvationDiscutio quisque osse - shatter every boneRemaneo conscia -stay conscious. That boy is dead, and this boy is loved.. The twins gave evil twin smirks. The mans arms tightened in response to the information about Umbridge and the fiasco in the Department of Mysteries. A very powerful and unexpected ally. Harry Potter is dead, and the goblins of Gringotts have obliged me by declaring him so. //The very last thing is my signature. An idea struck Hadrian. How could he place a boy he meant to be a Savior with people who tried to kill him repeatedly? Harry Potter never thought his life would turn out like this. Whispers of the Bone Man will travel through the ranks of the Light. Your worries are unfounded, my Wizard, the Dementor King soothed. The spell cant be activated when theyre black.// As the Bone Man spoke, Rabastan frowned a little as he concentrated. It means rooster. Three raised eyebrows greeted that statement. After some shuffling, Harry ends up at Wool's. You- youre too much sometimes! he gasped out. As for Rabastan here, hes myhes my dihiryn, I guess. //Well, I thought my sign was a bit distant, and I didnt like the idea of any followers I gathered all being identically marked. My son and heir. To everyones shock, he too hugged Hadrian. He propped his head against one hand and began to sort through his papers with the other. One of the Dementors would come and get me at nightfall for a few hours of training. He silence the purple man, who was still shouting abuse. Dracos answer prompted a dazzling smile from Potter that left him nearly breathless. You promised, you said it was in his will!, I know, Mr. Weasley. The boy had revolutionary ideas about wandmaking and magic. Hadrian let his runes bleed through. His blue eyes searched the room, fixing on the boy. Yes, my Lord, echoed quietly through the room. They turned to her, "Your husband said he is a cold-hearted person because he left his heart with you. Will you accept him at your side now?//. She disturbed, not that Harry was gone, but that someone with such a high profile could disappear so thoroughly that even he could not find them. Yes indeed! Alejandro cares for nothing or no one and thats the way he liked it. Once a summer, it became our little ritual, didnt it? It was a shame he was forbidden to tell them that the Bone Man and Lord Black were one and the same. Yes, at school I acted like Dumbledores little soldier. Dont get into trouble with him.. None of them will recognize me as Harry Potter now.//. "Harry could almost pretend he was any other kid, sitting in here with his mates as they did their homework. No, of course not my boy. Longbottom would only bumble around and mess up such a task. A blood adoption? Voldemort watched in amazement as Hadrian conjured a knife and cut open the still-screaming womans chest, baring the beating heart to the air. Dihiryn, it isnt real. My Lord, if I may, did you insult him in some way? Lucius asked. //Someone is missing. Voldemort no haba sido capaz de matarla incontables veces, sus tos que haban intentado de forma pasiva y activa de deshacerse de ella tampoco, el cerberus, el basilisco, las acromntulas, el dragn, los inferis, Nagini Nada haba sido capaz. Lead them well. When Harry wakes up, he is gravely wounded and more than fifty years in the past in another world. While Draco dressed for breakfast, Hadrian reflected on his last actions as the Bone Man. Hadrian seemed to mull the new information over before a sudden smile appeared. The pendant is not the original container, but it is a better one. //Have you found a core for your new wand?// The Dark Lord was interested in the fact that the teen was making his own wand from veryunusual materials. Most of the time when you couldnt find me at Grimmauld Place, I was in Azkaban. He could feel my core and my soul, but there were blocks on my magic and my memories. I go by my middle name now. The older man smirked. Perhaps that was another of Hadrians abilities? As he spoke the last words, he let some of his magic flow into the King. Its the Dementor King, Rabastan explained. Determined to foil this strange wizard and prove his own strength, his put up his strongest Occlumency shields. Because hes a serious threat. With the Bone Man in his mind, he could feel the strength and darkness of his magic. I have only existed as Gallus Hadrian Black since summer began. It wasnt very long before I met Lord Malfoy.//. Including his twin brother, Julian Potter, the savior of the Wizarding world. Double-casting would be a big advantage over Dumbledore. The Bone Man seemed determine to drive him to insanity with curiosity. I knew nothing about magic until I got my Hogwarts letter. Not that it does anything, just tires them out, but they stop fighting. Wh We all know the story of Harry Potter- how he met the Weasleys at Kings Cross, how they showed him how to get onto the platform and how he became friends with Ron. Hadrian is more familiar to me than Gallus. Draco nodded. He welcomed the Bone Man, wrapping himself in the warm softness of the boys mind. He threw me in there for a week each summer after he cut my throat, waiting for me to die. Losing the boy put Albus in rather a bind, since the boy had been groomed since the age of eleven to serve the illustrious Headmaster. Hisparticular skills will serve us well in the coming war.. Dracos mark wrapped around the bone three times, it was so big. That was the Bone Mans signature. He extended his hand to the King, who took it in his and bowed deeply, bringing his head below the level of Hadrians. Harry grows up in a loving family where he get's Dumbledore proclaimed Rosina "Rose" Lillian Potter the "Girl-who-lived" and sent away her brother Hadrian "Harry" James Potter the real bo A smile twisted onto his lips. The blonds muscles began to twitch from the pain, signifying that he would wake within seconds. Petunia, Im sure youve heard of Lord Voldemort, yes? The bony woman turned white. //Good.// The malice disappeared and he wrapped the other teen up in the warmth of his mind again. //Yes, I did make quite an impression on him.// A chuckle rolled through his mind. Draco's life changes when he is six, when he finds himself given to a strange green-eyed boy who speaks Parseltongue and casts impossible magic. We were rid of you and your freakishness! he shouted, turning purple. Hadrian waved his hand to conjure a bone made of metal. By the age of seven, Harry Potter hated his home, his relatives and his life. He would have to redouble his efforts to destroy all the Horcruxes. He did the same to the purple man, who had become a pulpy mass on the floor. Perhaps? After finding out that Dumbledore and his friends are keeping secrets from him he goes home Harry thought that he the perfect life. Im sure hes not the only confused one here. Life was never easy for David and Kate, but they found each other and became each other's soul. Each Harry is unique, borrowing from several types of Harry Potter fanfictions, such as WBWL-Slytherin!Harry, Street!Harry, Voldemort's-Son!Harry, 40-Lordships!Harry, MoD!Harry, etc. Before Draco or Rabastan could react, the Dementor King pulled the Wizard-Lord into his cloak, surrounding and protecting him. Being a danger to everyone around him, he bore no grudge for being sent away to live with the Dursleys. Harry Potter ended when he disappeared from the Hogwarts Express. Everyone else looked too ill from imagining the sight to speak. I decided to tell Draco when I decided to return to school, and it isnt fair to ask him to keep secrets from his own father. He held the infant creature close, tenderly kissing its brow before conjuring a blade of gold and killing it quickly. Do not think you can defy me, boy.. I do not appreciate being lied to, Headmaster, the boy said in a cold voice, directing his piercing gaze back to Albus, especially not to be manipulated into giving up personal information. Work Search: His Lord had been contacted by a mysterious and powerful supporter who would only meet with him. He had finished the Bone-Sign already and had moved on to Dracos personal mark. //Yes, dihiryn. Anyone else might have exploded from the shock of seeing the Dark Lord smile and laugh and hold his son. What color are you thinking? Rabastan piped up, eager to distract Hadrian. Black, if you wish, you may give Draco his markings today, the Dark Lord drawled out, waving a dismissive hand. I regret that he could not grow up to serve you,// the Dementor replied. As Lord Black, I am taking back my residence. Yep. I think its time for some blood, dont you? We shall see a great deal of each other, Severus., Indeed we shall. Lord Black left a letter for me at Gringotts, which the goblins gave me, though I have not read it. "(I'm Still Here - Jim's Theme). Please consider turning it on! //Excellent! As for you, ickle Diddykins, Ill take payment for my broken bones now. So mote be it, the three spoke together. To most people, there is no exciting feature of the Out Stack. They could only explain it as Lily's eyes, even though hers never pierced through one's very being or simmered like a live ember. *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***. I'm Still Here (action/adventure/romance) 4. As he nuzzled into his dihiryns chest, he spoke to Voldemort. For updates, character aesthetics release dates and more follow me on IG author.muse or FB author muse, Naging masalimuot ang kanyang buhay matapos siyang i-kasal. And if Potter could stop looking and sounding so damned good playing that guitar it would really help him do that. His hair was very short and scars covered his face and neck. \Dumbless little plans and chess moves are really annoying. The presence stealing across his mind told him who it was. //I spoke the truth. I hope I can trust you to keep me safe, just as you would for any other student, Headmaster. This is the first book of the Hadrian Potter series. Which I did by your instructions as well, if I recall, to keep him away from my House. Introducing the Bone Man to the lower-ranking Death Eaters had gone remarkably well. How did he think Ron was best friend material for anyone?\. All Ongoing Completed. Ten years later, Albus Dumbledore descends upon the Potter manor with a Hogwarts acceptance letter in his hand. Hadrian grinned. . He marked this letter with his seal, so I believe we will find ourselves cut off from a number of rooms in this house now.. Madame Vances fibula. Hadrian shared a grin with Rabastan. //Your birthday is coming up, is it not?// Voldemort asked suddenly. Theyre beautiful, Hadrian, he whispered. I like Gallus. I dont want to lie to you, but I wish you hadnt asked just yet. Ok, the twins shouted together, question time! Hadrian grinned. HOW TO BECOME A WIZARD LIKE HARRY POTTER? No one was expecting this of the Gryffindor Golden Boy. Except for Order paperwork. No one knows what happened or why his corpse was taken. Severus would have enjoyed their shock. The Light was claiming he had been taken by Death Eaters. Bring Lord Malfoy and Rabastan Lestrange with you, please.//, I will meet with you when I have finished here.. When Hagrid brought me back from Diagon Alley, my Uncle Vernon greeted me by cutting my throat and throwing me in the cupboard. With his intelligence, Ravenclaw should be a good fit for him. Some of them were moderately powerful, but they were all so self-serving! He knew the teen did not kill pointlessly, but it still shocked him to think that the person who had once been Harry Potter now killed easily and without remorse. Potter, only fifteen years old, had more power and specialized knowledge than he, the Dark Lord Voldemort, could ever hope to. Its fan fiction of harry potter. You keep a great many secrets, Bone Man. Voldemort was glad none of his followers were there to see his reaction. I shall explain more to you both when he wakes.//. Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Snowy, Jan 11, 2021. We will wait for Draco and Rabastan to join us, however. Which means that now Neville is the one fighting Voldemort. It certainly didnt make it easier that the man would only meet with him at midnight on the night of the new moon. Damnit, I always miss the good stuff! exclaimed the older man. Then, he watched calmly for a moment while her body caved in on itself, smothering her organs and causing catastrophic failure before she suffocated from a collapsed airway. An angel that held the knife for his father. Draco could feel the echoes of Hadrians pain and despair and shame and self-hatred in his mind, and his eyes began to water. I see you do still sometimes act your age, Lord Black.. These marks are all I have left of my previous family. //Welcome, Lord Malfoy.