To all who insist he honorably initiated his resignation: His last fb post (Thursday at 3:37) was I cant wait for beach baptisms next month! Does that sound like a man who plans to end his pastorate that same evening? Every man gets tired of the same ole same ole and wants a little variety, some men just hide it better than others, or they find the outlet through porn or in their imagination, every man has a file cabinet with all kinds of images and scenes and past experiences that he pulls out when the need arises, so all those men criticizing another in this area are hypocrites. Michael, I do believe weve had this discussion in the past in much detail, so no point in rehashing. 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. not being married doesnt answer the question, thats why i said fornication, or do you feel that if youre not married you can sleep with someone without being married, also when was the last time you viewed pornography?.remember lying is a sin! The best article Ive read on the subject thus far! "There could be other victims out there," says Michael Newnham, an Oregon-based pastor who runs a blog critical of Calvary Chapel. 7. If someone tried to start a ministry that they had no control over (even Bible studies) they were often shut down. Quick Answer: What has happened to Pastor Bob Coy? Please provide verse my bible does NOT say bar code. No thanks. , Now, using your best effort, not to be like us and not being consistent, in denying the literal aspects of scripture and have to do exegetical gymnastics and use pretzel logic to try to prove their conclusions that the Bible does not mean what it says,- as you said. Please download this free book to help men you know establish Gospel-centered accountability that lasts: Coming Clean: Overcoming Lust Through Biblical Accountability., I think quoting one of the ten commandments isnt politically correct, Having read some of the comments posted, I am dissapointed at the lack of compassion and those with self-righteous attitudes. The fact that this is a family-oriented show is one of the aspects that contributes to the shows overall depth, and we dont want to see that aspect altered in the least. But I suspect the board is not relishing any sordid details; on the contrary they feel compelled to cover for the reputation of the christian church. Can Bob recover? Am I Chuck Smiths disciple? If I was a new believer ( and Im not, its been 40 years) I would run fast, away from this apparent hate tank if I thought this was the body because thats what this has become- a hate tank. Boyd Coddington - Wikipedia Give me a break. Instead you drew a caricature based on his post for your #54 and made anyone reading who might be 300 pounds feel even better about themselves. When we fall, we have to model the humility and fidelity to the Scriptures that we demand they recognize.then model the love, grace, and restoration to the body that proves our complete fidelity. I sincerely hope you prayed about this before you set out to broadcast it to the entire world. I love this while trying to mock me Flynn said I myself am a disciple of Jesus, so read what he said not what Luther said:. I never missed a weekday or weekend service. 7 And when the THOUSAND YEARS are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, 8 And shall go out to deceive the NATIONS WHICH ARE IN THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. Paul dealt with this. So much happened in so short a time-it seemed that after moving from the warehouse to the new building, things exploded. And, arent mega-churches equipped with a mega-staff..and, therefore, dont mega-pastors have access to an ample accountability network? One of the many reasons I left. So here is one for you. We all sin, but this is heartbreaking. It began when the girl was just 4 years old. Through that rehabilitation, I became a better man. What is interesting to me is how little difference of opinion there is. This is where the church will be tested, was it Bob Coys church or the Lords church? Is free will not involved in our salvation? God is able to do that. AND YES I KNOW THEY ARE CONNECTED AND PRIDE COMES BEFORE Ive seen knock out hot girls in tight dresses looking more like they are going clubbing than to Gods house stand in line to get a picture with him, he was your Pastor girls and MARRIED hes not a freakin rock star. We did not have the luxury of all those in ministry on his payroll. John Macarthur has been teaching that one can take the Mark of the Beast and still be redeemed for more than 30 years. Only at least Coy got caught for his stuff, my step-dad CC pastor still gets away with it. It will do him wonders. In another, he called adultery "the ultimate betrayal of trust in human relationship" and cautioned that "repentance is not just being sorry that you were caught.". A Calvary Chapel member named Rodger Thomas was arrested that year and charged with repeatedly molesting a 15-year-old girl at a high school run by the church. This didnt HAPPEN to him He HAPPENED to many others. The children at the school were told that DC and the family is in California. Fact. Though having an affair is the most likely of the possibilities, there is NO factual confirmation of this and anybody reporting it as fact at this point is wrong. Please. He knew that all along. I was feeling horrible.". lol. Your. So what your all saying is your stronger than samson, you love God more than David and your wiser than Solomon. Andy, now you are not being honest in fact you are being purposely dishonest. Lets give him room to breathe and an opportunity to make things right with God, then his family before we are so quick to cast stones. what happened to diane coy - I dont like that at all. a normal message from an assistant with no mention whatsoever of anything. My thought when I was there was Doesnt the first person feel ripped off? Here is a synopsis of the core beliefs that Coral Ridge list on their website. God bless you Ft Laud peeps who drop in. Thank you! 33 Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this that you yourselves are seeing and hearing. In that you are named well. Ixtlan, Yes I completely understand this. Good or them!!! "Our pastor, he committed adultery with more than one woman. From that inner circle of men trying to navigate this atrocityI really doubt they want everyone they have shared Christ with for years to hear the details about their beloved pastor???? Is there a man here who would NOT do the same. Net Worth of Coy Gibbs-After the death of Coy, the citizens are sincerely interested to know about his net worth and constantly search on the internet. If they see him go to the offended and attempt reconciliationregardless of their response to himand maintain a gracious patience with those offended. I did ask Bob about the female dress attire in the early 2000s I was told, we dont want to turn off a new believer by offending them. And btw, to anon Im guessing you have never ever ever commented on Ted Haggart, Jim Bakker, your boss, neighbor, etc. well I should hope they would. It was scheduled and was cancelled. WIKI article is pretty good. God has not finished the work that He started in this man, and He will work His miracles to restore what we as people see doomed. And the leak from the board was no doubt insurance against a coup detat of bob-loyalists attempting to unseat the floundering-shell-shocked and in charge for the very first time board. That's not good enough, critics say. They did for a while, but after she SWAT Season 6 Episode 16: Now that the new S.W.A.T. [10] Tell me one Christian that doesnt consider Jesus Lord and I will tell you they are not a Christian. We just dont want to have this degenerate into a personal feud. Moe- I misquoted the verse- I am usually more astute than that. Thank you for posting such a powerful and healing message. You are a liar and you need to repent. Florida Megachurch Pastor Resigns Due To 'Moral Failure'. 326 MICHAEL WHO MADE YOU MESSENGER?????????? I think this is your passage HUGH. I dont think so. What's even weirder is that a bunch of basically identical articles about her that state it was a rumor prior to the series dropping but now is "debunked due to her being in the series" which makes zero sense since people can die after filming an interview and just shows they didn't watch the series. He is not who he himself thinks he is. Every man in my life has had some struggle with it, in some way. The Asst Pastors are not as annointed or equiped imho- and frankly I cant deal with Chets over the top, Broadwayesque mannerisms read: distraction. A day with DC having make-up applied by a makeup artist. Over the years he and other associate pastors hired family members and close friends. The reason for Satans binding is clear so that he might not deceive the nations any longer,. Shortly after resigning, the disgraced pastor moved to Chattanooga, Tennessee, where Calvary Chapel has another affiliate church. She didnt want Vince to have to make the difficult decision of whether to turn off her life support, either. Daughter- There area few Pastors there (wont mention names) that have taken on BCs mannerisms and style. They wanted spirituality but could never go back to their parents' churches. Not by nickname, but by real name, facebook and email often even knowing each other in person when geography permits. It is not material at this point whether anyone was complicit or the Moses model created this situation. And CCFL did issue an article on their blog and they are allowing blog comments so thats much better than in the past with CC issues. None are incapable of doing very bad things after they are saved and many on here point to guys like King David who was a polygamist who had sex slaves, committed adultery, murdered the husband of his mistress and was generally a bad guy for big chunks of his lifeyet he was a man after Gods own heart. "If you're foolish enough to go through with this story it would hurt a lot of people," he added, refusing to provide more details about the scandal. It is my hope and prayer that you find healing and peace. MLD, no point in debating anything with you. I felt that the constant comedy instead of Bible teaching, was the sign that there was always something wrong there. God forgives immediately upon repentence, so are we going to condemn Bob? The church is over 2000 years old. Other than him, hopefully we have not acted on it but we are all the same in Gods eyes. Wonderful speaker, truly inspiring, but Gay all the same. Thats getting copied and pasted and saved to be used a lot in the future , Gomer MLD, I would love to meet you someday, as you are the only man I have heard of who does not struggle with this in some way.. Unfortunately, my current cat is not among them. He and his wife actually had real world experience risking their necks for the sake of the gospel and giving the selves for themselves for the least of the lost in war torn Liberia in the late 90s. Cue the anthem.. Its crazy that people think Bob Coy had ONE affair, caught a conscience about it and decided to step down. I will be praying for CCFTL and the Coy family; this is going to be felt a very long time indeed. Im still here, though I have had a couple of colds since the Chuck curse. From what I heard Coy had a dozen or so businesses which were probably all ministry related. Im not married. he separates the sheep and the goats 3.) MLD? Always til Eternity. You have brothers and sisters in the world that are not able to mention their faith without fear of loosing their freedom or life. He attended machinist trade school and completed a three-year apprenticeship in machining. I sincerely hope you will stop wasting your time on this blog, seeing each of for who we really are, a bunch of very failure ridden representatives of Jesus, just faking our way through every day and butchering this faith called Christianity. And then you want me to take the 1,000 yrs as literal when there has been nothing literal in the chapter? I dont understand the part about bringing pride into this in some of the comments. When we personify we learn to practice loving God and others as we live in His presence as we live together with others. Frank, are you cool with Calvary Chapel pastors judging those outside their church who are gay and want to get married? Yes, God judged him, but was restored, and he was still king, leading the people. Not only of church/pastors in my past, but unfortunately, I know too well the pain Diane Coy is feeling having been there myself. Most here know of my desire to minister to pastors who have fallen, and God has allowed me to reach out in the past as names where brought to me. He was the multi million dollar big shot who was an actor on stage . 2 But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. We are all human and all the same essentiallythough fundamentalist Islam seems to be the worst religious ideology of all-time and the most dangerous and destructive. However, Im not a dispensationalist so I kind of reject that entire mode of thinking to begin with. Why are you Christians so indignant and condemning, isnt it natural to want to be with many different women, arent we programmed that way as men. The message to Nebuchadnezzar is however long it takes for you to learn who is the Most High God.. Also there were pledge meetings. Itll continue, itll just be a lot smaller taking in a lot less money than pre-moral failure, 807 you never proved anything that you claimed which is rumoured to be false. - -, - : - , -, , . He confessed to his moral failing and is focusing his time on repairing his relationship with God and his family., My headline says resigned b/c thats the info I was givenquite different than fired, The official press release says resigned. I did the change the headline to removed so as not to get caught up in ridiculous minutia. He confessed to it. I remember him saying many times, do not put your faith in man because man will let you down including me, put your faith in God. He is human, I will be praying for him and his family. Glory(Pride) Gold-(Obtaining personal financial advancement from the ministry) Girls-(giving in to self serving sexual pleasure from Women) I think that older men with less testosterone can dodge these bullets. That has calmed my spirit a little. Look for your proverbial iron to sharpen your iron. Megachurch Pastor Bob Coy abruptly resigned Sunday afternoon, ending his 30-year leadership at one of the largest churches in the country. Hopefully cooler heads prevail. It is my empowerment. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. (Eph. Join the New Times community and help support Megachurch Pastor Bob Coy abruptly resigned Sunday afternoon, ending his 30-year leadership at one of the largest churches in the country. It should take time and healing. Put away your golden calf and stop your man worship. They are serious brothers and members of the body of Christ and you should give honor if you want to be treated with honor. Obedience to the Great Commission requires total commitment to Him who loved us and gave Himself for us. He calls us to a life of self-denying love and service. According to Jesus definition of adultery, you are just as much an adulterer as Bob Coy is! Jessica Hahn was a plant and Bakker was a willing stooge but I still felt bad for him. and help keep the future of New Times, Use of this website constitutes acceptance of our. lack of accountability and lack of transparency. Back 160 yrs ago Martin Stephan led the Lutherans from Saxony to America. Miami New Times also pointed to a long list of other staff who are part of the global family of Calvary Chapel churches and have been accused of sexual abuse, including a number from earlier this year. Make a one-time donation today for as little as $1. I think that was supposed to ease the transition for the new Pastor. Mark this day April 8, 2014 and remember my words! I dont think so! Michael is a Calvinist. Keep the witchhunt there and find out who on the board insisted the news wait until after services and who wanted immediate notification. Whenever we see something like that on a show like this, it causes us to get concerned. Do those people have a right to know?. Pastor Robert Coy, the former Las Vegas casino entertainment director turned religious leader for one of Florida's biggest megachurches, has been accused of molesting a 4-year-old girl. OK, here is my Luther disagreement we have different tastes in beer. Red herring. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months. If he keeps looking at us, Jesus followers, he will be disappointed because were all unfinished art projects. Its always awful, no matter the denomination or the size of the congregation. and Why? Did you commit adultery with them? The Calvary Chapel movement is nothing but a put-on to confuse peoples minds and create stories that have NOTHING to do with Biblical truth. 2y; View 3 more comments . Im sorry for you and your pain. That is a bummer about Chet. The Calvinist teaching does not coincide with Gods nature and Gods love as revealed in Scripture! What about them? Who is Kassanndra Cantrell? As churchgoers held their hands up in ecstasy, Sauder read from Matthew and promised that Jesus was ready to heal. In searching for that video- I see it was in end November 2013- only 4 1/2 months ago- not graduation..even worse.. You sound too often like a bored office worker that just likes to argue with people online. yup. everybody is broken by stuff like this. Were closed for the night. I am sorry for sounding so bitter. Florida newspapers are covering it now. The devil laughs with glee, the mockers will mock and scorn, those who are hiding their own sin will tremble that they could be next. Amillennialism is for those that refuse to take the Bible literally, and shuck it off as if it just originated in the last 150 years (which is a lie, since all the first believers were against this ghastly false doctrine). The case was closed in 2016. You must be great at bringing people the Good News. That lent itself to a very youthful, crazy, wild lifestyle. What happened to Sharon? Did she die? - Steve Wright, your comment number 478 was pure gold. This will certainly be a season of emotional turmoil for CC Fort Lauderdale, as they lose their senior pastor. I understand giving Bob grace. I have been listening and watching other respected Pastors on Youtube. I now wonder how long leadership has been aware of issue. Please dont forget them in your prayers that God will put godly counselors in their paths to help them with their pain, their fear, and more than likely their doubt in their own faith. Get back to us in a year. She confirmed the story in stomach-churning detail. I know this to be true because you have stated many times that you read only the Bible. Confession is step one. No, your position has replaced Jesus Christ who is the sum and substance of all prophecy, with the nation state of Israel. Apologies are step two. But he declines to share the results of the test, which he says was not done for the police. Coy is a big boy and knew full well what he was doing, he got caught and now its time to pay the piper. Surely nobody thinks they just found out at the Sunday afternoon meeting. He claims his record as pastor at Calvary Chapel was unblemished by sexual harassment or molestation claims. Now either dialogue with respect or go back to selling bridges to imaginary Calvinists. NO WHERE IN CALVARYS STATEMENTS HAVE THEY MENTIONED ANYTHING ABOUT PASTOR BOB HAVING A PROBLEM WITH PORNOGRAPHY!!!!!!!! I know the solution is to get right with many people that were hurt. "They have been at war ever since.". I am Michaels friend and have known him for several years now. And if these things are true then I would run from CCFL if those practices are not dealt with. Coy has never been criminally charged, and if there were other cases of sexual harassment or abuse in the decades he ran Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, neither the church nor cops have revealed them. Pride is something that could be seen from his pulpit for many years now. I hear bible preaching and teaching being translated into military and sports metaphors all the time. Mr. Newnham.what is your source on this? dont know if this is what you were going for but.. Used to be able to go space8)space & get the smiley with sunglasses. In other words you are fighting for a literal 1,000 yr period for a non existent kingdom. Tracked down at the bar on a recent weeknight, the well-dressed ex-pastor looks no different from the days when he preached to thousands of followers. I have looked this for years, and I think there are several groups that are maintaining biblical integrity and calling.