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They arealso adept at climbing and sneaking. The Deck of Many Presents Humblewood Campaign Setting. Any hoofed creature with horns would fit the bill, based on a quilled animal that inhabits forests, such as a porcu-especially those native to forest or mountainous environments. Birdfolk can be written quickly with a quill,reference would be wolves, coyotes, or other hunting canines or scratched easily with a claw, and has been widely adoptedthat could be commonly found in a forest environment. From fonts, to character sheets, handouts and more. Your sharp claws aid you in unarmed combat and while climbing. Speed. The College of the Road of your choice (see Travelers Trick Options).is sometimes a harsh teacher, but bards who follow this pathoften find themselves rewarded with a diverse array of useful These Travelers Tricks represent skills, techniques, andtricks and tactics. Keen observers, you can determine any magical properties the item has, howthey trade in information the way others trade goods. Thedriving force behind Humblewood as a concept was the desire to create a visually compelling worldthat felt alive, and that meant a world that could feel wonderful and welcoming, magical and myste-rious. You have advantage on Dexteritywinning a fight. They also keep other bandits in line, at the 8 Im as cautious as they come.captains discretion. You cant discerncolor in the darkness, only shades of gray.40 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodAs an action, you present your holy symbol causing any Scofflaws eventually trust their notorious reputation to dosource of mundane or magical light within 30 feet of you to much of the work for them, gaining the ability to cause foesbe extinguished. When you or an ally makes poisoned or paralyzed condition from the target.a Dexterity saving throw, you may expend one use of yourBardic Inspiration, rolling a Bardic Inspiration die and adding At 14th level, you have developed a true knack for emer-the result to the saving throw. This is why I believe roleplaying games have had such a resurgence in the past few years, because were looking for a connection to the world around us. Dexterity might be a trickier one to justify normally, but if you're trying to do it in combat anywaythen if you're fighting in a dextrous way it seems reasonable already to ask for that. Strigs are normally good aligned, having astrong sense of fair play as well as a tendency to see the best inothers. These birdfolk are swift slow your descent. I've only read through it but I was underwhelmed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.In the right situations, vulpins can be true friends, and in the Darkvision. You have advantage on saving throws against poison and resistance against poison damage. Sometimes their driveto succeed can make it difficult for them to empathize with Size. Cervans have a unique ability to bounce back Pronghorn cervans are taller and tend towardand survive a physical shock that might kill others. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it Strig culture is largely based on principles of strength were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. In this dangerous world, its best to keep Languages: you can speak as well as understand Auran4 your head down and stay cautious. There are two main subraces of raptor:mistral and maran. This ward lasts for as long as you Evocation Lessons. Come and discover the mystery behind all the forest fires, is it the Bandit Coalition or something even more nefarious? If acreature hits you while you are curled up, youare knocked prone in your space at the endof the turn. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. At 14th level you can select a second favorite trick from among Travelers Tricks you know.36 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodTravelers Trick Options At 14th level you have learned to shore up any weaknesses in your stance. The target can break free by spending Reckless Tactics. You gain proficiency with the artisanSalt of the Earth tools of your choice: brewers supplies, carpenters tools, or smiths tools. They enjoy the arts and the pursuit of leisure. Resilience. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 37At 14th level, your practice has paid off, granting you the At 6th level you may choose to change the spell youuse of a slightly ki-infused attack. and high charisma means that small songbirds such as chicka- dees, wrens, sparrows, and cardinals would also be a good fit.Gallus A bird-of-paradise could be used as well due to their focus on performance, though they might be better suited for visitors to Gallus characters are usually represented by land fowl of all Humblewood from more tropical regions. Boxing Lessons. Jerbeens have incredibly small and light bodies, standing between 2 and 3 feet tall, and weighing between 20 Jerbeens are the smallest inhabitants of Humblewood, and 40 pounds. As a huden gallus, you are of the land. It needs to stop somewhere. Speak With Bugs. mum number each of the weapons damage dice could deal to the target. Some races ent forms. Creatures thatattack you while you are falling, gliding,or jumping have disadvantage on theirattack roll. You have sharp fangs that enable you to make natural Vulpins are naturally intelligent, rivalled only by corvums. Of the around 90 pounds. my abilities.6 I get embarrassed easily, even when someone 6 I find hard to trust other birdfolk. Before the Treaty, vulpin raiders CERVAN TRAITSand mapach thieves were serious threats. Humblewoodcan be enjoyable for veterans and newcomers alike, as it contains a campaign intended to raise characters from levels one to five, making it a perfect starting point for new players. 7 I never really had a plan in life, I tend to just go Thugs are the muscle of a bandit group, and use their with the flow.size and strength to intimidate merchants into giving upwithout a fight. you could target. Vulpins cut dashing figures and are usually lean andothers. Ability Score Increase. 1 I never back down from a challenge. YourDexterity score increases by 1. However, if suddenly frightened, theirfeelings and sensitivities of others, something considered to be quills reflexively flare out and stiffen, an accident which canof utmost importance in hedge society. There is nothing a gallus would not giveto their neighbors in a time of need. Those days are long since gone,but the memory of the sinister vulpin has yet to fade fromthe minds of the humblefolk, who endured great suffering attheir hands. Team Tactics. You can choose to reroll any attack,those who pass judgement. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Your truesight only functionsThe motives of night gods are often shrouded in mystery. Ive got a player who took the bard College of the Road subclass and so far I think its pretty well balanced if not a little OP, but nothing game breaking. They also lean towards the freedom of chaotic alignments. User account menu. An Add-on Module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Preview (PDF) Freebies New in Stock . Alignment. Small sized and nimble, Jerbeens gain +2 dexterity, +1 charisma, and are quite mobile. Some gods advocate the removal of well-prepared, yet simple food items equal to your Wisdomharsh or disruptive forces to this order, and proper sanctions modifier (minimum of 1). Welcome to the Wood 10 3. So long as you are in combat, you may choose to use Strength or Dexterity to make Charisma ability checks. Additionally, if you move at least 20 feet in a straight linetowards an opponent, you can spend a bonus action to chargethem, dealing an extra 1d6 points of piercing damage. Nimble Step. You gain proficiencyin the Insight skill.Kindled Corvum As a kindled corvum, you know implicitly that you arethe smartest in the room. Other lumas find it difficult to exist in the larger society Touched. Your Charisma score increases by 2. Were looking for a way to get away from screens, to forget about our complicated lives, and to live as heroes with problems we can solve, not just listen to on the news and worry about. Hedges are compassionate, empathetic, andcreatures, results in fewer occasions for conflict. (Neutral) Equipment: a wind Musical Instrument (one of your Rebellion. Doing this destroys the weapon, but deals the maxi-mum number each of the weapons damage dice could deal to the target. add an additional 2d6 to the weapons base damage dice.Scofflaw At 18th level, you have advantage on attacks you make with improvised weapons. You learned from a hardened barbarianan action to make a Strength (Athletics) check against your that sometimes you have to charge into combat with no regardTravelers Trick save DC. Seeds of Decay: The Woodkin (PDF) Freebies $0.00. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the materialor artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express permission of Hit Point Press Inc. Reference toother copyrighted material in no way constitues a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material.Hit Point Press, The Deck of Many, Humblewood and its associated logos are trademarks of Hit Point Press Inc.First Printing. Whenever you make an Intelligence (History)include virtually anyone in social or familial groups. . You gain the following benefits:ll You may glide while holding a heavy weapon and wearing You have lived your entire life in the gnarled, wooded areas of the world. In order for you to use this feature, a creature must be able to see, hear, or otherwise be able to understand you. Vulpins arent innately evil, but their difficultysharp fangs. Your size is Medium.of insight into the world around them, sometimes Speed. Number 7 - The Circle of Spores. Bite. Only they can quell the raging flames that have been unleashed upon the land, and restore balance to the realm. Want updates?Join our Discord and chat with us! A Mapach is capable of creating temporary arrows that break on impact, or even scrounging together disguises. during combat (as there aren't existing rules so being able to use a different ability score doesn't mean a lot without asking the DM). Only light produced by a 9th At 3rd level, your tavernside scuffles have honed yourlevel spell or similarly powerful effect can negate the darkness ability to deal damage with just about anything thats handy.and shadows. Some respond to the dangersoutside their community by becoming insular and fearing allnon-jerbeens. Telling their stories is just as important as telling our own, and helps us connect to and have compassion for the other creatures on our planet. Age. Theyare one of the longest-lived races among the humblefolk. If the first target chosen has too many Bonus Proficiencyhit points to be affected, the spell will instead target the nextcreature you have chosen that the spell could affect before When you choose this Martial Archetype at 3rd level, youaffecting other targets. are encumbered.Strong and Brave Talons. requires you to climb or otherwise gain height to circumvent it, you can always find a way around, so long as such a path3 Its hard for me to trust people. Thebirdfolk have hollow bones, reinforced by special internalstructures that act as struts. Subrace. Additionally, you are adept at finding shelter in the burned before.4 I have a problem with authority. Being small and Jerbeen.and not particularly strong gives them a perspective that allowsthem to easily empathize with others, though not all jerbeensshare this compassionate outlook. More- and 140 pounds. Did the tree have a story, or a family of owls living in it, or a fox kit that sheltered a storm beneath its branches? While they notably are resistant to poison, the main appeal of playing a Mapach is their exclusive Scroungecraft ability. The great calamity which produced the part of Humblewood known as the Scorched Grove also made the area an ideal home for fiery creatures. you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. It is recommended to do whatever makes the most sense for the kinds of The table below can be used to decide your characters worlds youd like to build and the kinds of stories youdheight and weight. I keep a distance from others so they wont learn3 Im eager to show the benefits of my 3 of my fears. Plants in the Wood do not experience the world in terms of sight, but most can feel differences in temperature, describe things that have touched them, as well as hear vibrations that happened around them (including speech). Each oneCollege of the Road soon find that these graduates are full requires you to expend a use of your Bardic Inspiration, andof surprises. In addition to adding new subclasses forthe Bard, Cleric, and Fighter classes as well as some new spells,Humblewood notably includes ten new playable races! Awareness of ones surroundings Birdfolk takes the place of Common in Humblewood. Ability Score Increase. They also favorserious conflict does arise, hedges who feel they have been truly neutral alignments, as hedges have a great respect for theand deeply wronged can close themselves off from the rest of balance of nature.their society, sometimes resulting in splits in a community. I'm unclear on how this is actually intended to be used? Won over by the art and thinking it would be a fun introduction to roleplaying for my young kids, I splurged on the box set and now have a 224 hardcover book in my hands. Age. Additionally, Vulpin's "Evasive" ability allows them to add their intelligence modifier to their dexterity saves. Cervans have a robust physique and are rarely sick. Compared to Auran, the other dialects ofPrimordial sound stilted or broken to birdfolk. The options are presented here in alphabeticalorder. You may choose whether the jump uses your Strength or Dexterity score for determining combat, you can make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check height or distance, and you double the distance you would against a DC equal to 10 + the targets Dexterity modifier. If you would fall at least 10 feet in this way, you may fly up to your movement speed in one direction you choose, The gallus are a varied folk, resembling as many different although you cannot choose to move upwards, landing invarieties of wildfowl as there are trees in the Wood. Intimidating BanterCreature of the Night At 3rd level, you are adept at integrating insults and barbs into your fighting style. You are capable of burrowing through soil, but areunable to dig through anything more substantial with justyour clawed hands. On a failure you land in the nearest un-occupied space. While curledup you cannot move, attack, or cast spells with somaticcomponents, and your base armor class becomes 19. The disaffected turn their gaze on Alderheart, and threaten to reduce an age of peace to ashes yet there is still hope. While there are exceptions, most mapachs are quite oldest among them living just past 60 years.good-natured, if a little eccentric. Gallus have a deep respect for nature and a love Speed. Any Bardic Inspiration gained in this way can only be used to perform your favorite trick. and saving throws against being frightened as long as you are within 5 feet of an ally who isnt frightened or incapacitatedCommunity First that you can both see and hear. Age. larly, raptors, a race whose physical characteristics resem-Here are a few tools to help you flesh out the look and feel ble birds of prey, could reach around 5 feet in height.of your character. Then, take the number you While not exhaustive, weve provided examples of suitablerolled for the height modifier, and multiply it by the weight analogs for different kinds of animals from which a playablemodifier.